octubre 2024

Yum Yum

• Ways of eating …→[01] ⇔ [02]←

•→www.enchantedlearning.com/dictionary/food.shtml ⇐

•→ http://photographicdictionary.com/food ⇐

•→Food Quantifiers ⇐

•→ In the kitchen ⇐

¤ Cooking terms Vocabulary . . . →[01]← / →[02]← / •→ QUIZ ⇐

♦ […]

Plants & Trees

•→ http://www.languageguide.org/english/vocabulary/plants/⇐

⇑ Root, Stem & Leaf / Flower, Fruit & Seed ⇓

ψ → TREES ⇓

•→ Idioms [Plants – Flowers – Trees]← ¤ Grass ··· Pot … Ganja ··· Hemp … Weed


Mammals [⇒crosswords⇐]

•→ http://photographicdictionary.com/animals⇐

•→ Reptiles & amphibians ⇐

←⇐ ←⇐ ←⇐ ←⇐ ←⇐ ←⇐ birds

∞ insects & bugs …⇒[01] ⇔ [02]⇐

⇓ Creepy-Crawlies


• Animal idioms … →[01]← / →[02]← […]

The Internet … 50 years on

•→ Twitter Explained // •→ Wikileaks⇐[doc]

• Computer glossary … →[01]← / →[02]←

• Computer vocabulary … →[01]← / →[02]←

• Computers illustrated … →[01]← / →[02]←


∇ Screen frozen … ⇓ …Computer crashed

‘…not responding’ / ‘…blank’ / ‘…flickering’ / ‘…beeping’ / ‘…buzzing’

♦ English Vocabulary ↓ […]

Misdemeanour, Crime & Felony

•→ Crime words … →[elementary] ⇔ [intermediate] ⇔ [advanced]←

¤ Quizzes . . . ⇒[01] ⇔ [02]⇐

♣ ‘ROB’ – ‘STEAL’ – ‘BURGLE’ ↓





⇐Methods of Execution

•→ The vocabulary […]

Imperialism & War

The actions by which one nation is able to control other usually smaller or weaker nations. The two primary methods of imperialism are military conquest and political diplomacy.

♦ David Crystal ↑ Will English Always Be the Global Language?


The Grand Budapest Hotel

•→A Beginner’s Guide to Wes Anderson Movies⇐


It takes more than a trailer to explain Wes Anderson’s «The Grand Budapest Hotel.» →Fox Searchlight← releases a full, indepth featurette to help out.

A young woman walks into a cemetery in […]

Readers made easy

Quick links to newspapers, magazines and other online reference materials:

⇐ ⇐

Φ This is what you´ll find next: 8 simplified versions of great books you can read online…

The same story has been adapted for three stages of learning.

¤ ELEMENTARY: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: ⇒ […]


The word “traduce” is a falso amigo for Spaniards. It actually means ‘calumniar’, ‘difamar’ [Eng. “slander”]. Need I say more?

What follows is some modern fiction passages translated into Spanish.

To start with, here’s my own translation of the beginning and end of …

♦ JD […]

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Mark Haddon was born in Northampton in 1962.

In 2003 his novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, was published and has been hugely successful.  It is the first book to have been published simultaneously in two imprints – one for children and one for adults. It has won a string […]


¤ Ethnocide in the Outback

An animated history of Australia, from European discovery to modern days; funny, slapstick humour, with a little satire thrown in ↓

◊ Australian Aboriginal Genocide ↓ [info from Australian government sources]

•→ Aboriginal History ⇐ From the Dreamtime to the arrival of the British…till […]

American First Nations


¤ →Oral tradition – storytelling⇐

Θ A collection of Native American folktales and traditional stories: indexed tribe by tribe to make them easier to locate ↓


Θ Links to several stories of Native American Indian Lore from several Tribes across Turtle Island ↓

febrero 17th, 2015 | Tags: , , , | Category: LISTEN & READ, VDO | Leave a comment

A m e r i c a

•→ http://projectbritain.com/americanbritish.html←

British English ↔ American English↔

Hello! – Hullo!

♦ John Green kicks off Crash Course US History ↓

∇ · · · A shorter History of the States ↓ [4 Minutes]

∇ A brief history of African slavery […]


Well, good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Jim Carrey ↑ and how are you this evening? Alrightly then. I grew up in Canada… Is there anybody here from Canada? Now I used to get really upset when I told people where I came from down in Los Angeles, […]

Ireland = Eire + Ulster

A tourist walks into a Dublin pub looking for directions and encounters Ding Dong Denny O’Reilly at the bar. Ding Dong insists on telling him the «real» history of Ireland over a number of pints. From the Normans to the Famine to 1916 and the sex shops of O’Connell Street, […]


•→ Visions of Wales ←• «We have for you tonight a fine young comic who’s been nominated for just every new comedy award going, but it hasn’t been easy for him because he’s come up against lots of prejudice and discrimination to get where he is today. Yes, folks, he’s Welsh. Please go absolutely mad […]

Bonnie Scotland

If you’re travelling to Scotland it may be worth learning some of these words. They are heard everywhere, and most of them have been included in the corpus of modern English vocabulary.

←Wauk yer wits


↓ Caa canny!

•→Kenneth MacNeill _ Highland clearances ⇐

febrero 12th, 2015 | Tags: , , | Category: VDO | 5 comments

Good for a laugh

∞ Cheech & Chong, aka. ‘Los Cochinos’, come across some poop and → check it out ⇐


. . . DOGSHIT? ⇐


÷ ÷ […]

Sebastião Salgado

Brazilian-born Sebastiao Salgado, who shoots only using Kodak film, is known for his incredibly long-term projects, which require extensive travel and extreme lifestyle changes. Workers took seven years to complete and contained images of manual laborers from 26 countries, while Migrations took six years in 43 different […]

Vintage TV

∇   Fawlty Towers

Basil (the owner of the small hotel in Devon which gave name to the TV series) has communication problems with Manuel (his mistreated employee from Barcelona)  ↓

Fawlty Towers is a British sitcom produced by BBC Television and first broadcast on BBC2 in 1975 and 1979. Twelve episodes were made (two series, each of six episodes). […]