Welcome English learners!
I wish to express my grateful acknowledgment to all the owners of the visual images enhancing this website. They have been ‘borrowed’ without giving their authors the credit they deserve.
¤ HOW to SURF this SITE
The best way to […]
«Good stuff, if brief, twice as good.» – It was an Aragonese writer that said that (Baltasar Gracián)
There are two good reasons why English learners should take interest in these expressions of oral tradition.
For one thing, they provide an extraordinary word bank you […]
World news for students of English in three levels ⇑ Dead easy!
¤ Special English
A simple form of the English language, used by a public radio station called Voice of America, run by the United States government in Special English programs […]
⇐ There are many ways of laughing… ←
…many kinds of laughter ⇐
* * *
¤→Shiny shiny⇐(a challenge for translators)⇒
Φ ‘Una lección para guiris’:
⇒ attitudinal idiomatic expressions ⇐
* […]
•→ www.howjsay.com⇐ / •→MacMillan Online Dictionary⇐
⇐ Tips & links
•→ speechactive.com/english-consonants-ipa-international-phonetic-alphabet/ ⇐
∞ Minimal Pairs ⇒[01] ⇔ [02] ⇔ [03]⇐
• Find the odd one out: which word does not rhyme with the others?
⇒[01] ⇔ [02] ⇔ [03] ⇔ [04]⇐
©→U maze← [quiz] → O maze←© […]
The best way to improve is to listen to English. A lot. There’s no way around it; you have to spend hours and hours listening to people speaking English. Listen to things that interest you. If you don’t enjoy something, it’s going to be hard for you to continue. You’ll get bored and […]
Most misunderstanding in real life stem from our own misconceptions / misrepresentations of language: things we think/believe we know (Do we?)
Cognates may be a trap, but not for you!
¤ Deceptive cognates: → VERBS ← → NOUNS ← → ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS ← Φ Spanish/English deceptive cognates ⇒
As many books and […]
•→www.http://playphrase.me/⇐ — 205165 phrases, from 222 movies . . . Φ Just type in the phrase you would like to hear; it might be: – «I was wondering…» or – «Would you believe…?» or – «Do you mean?» or – «…and the like.» or – «You see…» or – «as long as…» or -«There seems […]
•→ Safety at Work ⇐
10 ‘WORK’ Expressions in English ↓
‘overworked’ / ‘dirty work’ / ‘get worked up’ / ‘work out’ / ‘ work on’ / ‘ work up an appetite’ / ‘workaholic’ / ‘work it’ / ‘work … in’ / ‘work something out’
• Employment & Jobs vocabulary … […]
•→ Crime words … →[elementary] ⇔ [intermediate] ⇔ [advanced]←
¤ Quizzes . . . ⇒[01] ⇔ [02]⇐
♣ ‘ROB’ – ‘STEAL’ – ‘BURGLE’ ↓
⇐Methods of Execution
•→ The vocabulary […]
The actions by which one nation is able to control other usually smaller or weaker nations. The two primary methods of imperialism are military conquest and political diplomacy.
♦ David Crystal ↑ Will English Always Be the Global Language?
•→A Beginner’s Guide to Wes Anderson Movies⇐
It takes more than a trailer to explain Wes Anderson’s «The Grand Budapest Hotel.» →Fox Searchlight← releases a full, indepth featurette to help out.
A young woman walks into a cemetery in […]
Quick links to newspapers, magazines and other online reference materials:
⇐ ⇐
Φ This is what you´ll find next: 8 simplified versions of great books you can read online…
The same story has been adapted for three stages of learning.
¤ ELEMENTARY: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: ⇒ […]
¤ →Oral tradition – storytelling⇐
Θ A collection of Native American folktales and traditional stories: indexed tribe by tribe to make them easier to locate ↓
Θ Links to several stories of Native American Indian Lore from several Tribes across Turtle Island ↓
febrero 17th, 2015 | Tags: story, doc, links, USA | Category: LISTEN & READ, VDO |
If you’re travelling to Scotland it may be worth learning some of these words. They are heard everywhere, and most of them have been included in the corpus of modern English vocabulary.
←Wauk yer wits
↓ Caa canny!
•→Kenneth MacNeill _ Highland clearances ⇐
febrero 12th, 2015 | Tags: lyrics, links, Scotland | Category: VDO |
Album cover art is often considered to be one of the “extincted” fields in modern graphics design. In times when digital copies are cheaper and quicker to get, album covers have somehow lost their importance as less and less customers actually buy CDs and LPs in the stores.
♦ THE ART […]
A Mongolian film maker currently residing in Germany. Between 1995 and 1998 she studied at the Movie Academy in Ulaanbaatar. In 1998 she began to work as a moderator and director’s assistant with Mongolian National Television. In 2000 she moved to Munich, Germany, to study […]
In a world where most «art-house» movies are pretentious meaningless garbage, Kim Ki-duk [1960-2020] was one of the few directors whose films are pure art.
♦ Seom (The Isle) ↓ [2000]
Mute Hee-Jin is working as a clerk in a fishing resort in the Korean wilderness; selling baits, food and […]
•→ Spike Lee Movie Scripts ⇐
Director Spike Lee dives head-first into a maelstrom of racial and social ills, using as his springboard the hottest day of the year on one block in Brooklyn, NY.
Three businesses dominate the block: a storefront radio station, where a smooth-talkin’ […]
♣ Three reading links at monologuearchive.com:
•→dramatic_men⇐ / •→comic_women⇐ / •→children⇐
¤ Bob Rafelson‘s «Five Easy Pieces» [1970]
⇓ Bobby Dupea’s (Jack Nicholson) monologue with his old mute father
Are […]