octubre 2024

Ireland = Eire + Ulster

A tourist walks into a Dublin pub looking for directions and encounters Ding Dong Denny O’Reilly at the bar. Ding Dong insists on telling him the «real» history of Ireland over a number of pints. From the Normans to the Famine to 1916 and the sex shops of O’Connell Street, we hear Ding Dong Denny’s delusional take of events that shaped our nation.

Ding Dong is a comic creation of comedian Paul Woodful, his first adventure into animation

 . . .  ⇒

Winner Best Digital Film Digital Media Awards 2008, Winner Grand Prix Award, Digital Media Awards 2008. Produced by Brian Gilmore – Directed by Cathal Gaffney – Written and narrated by Paul Woodful [2006-2007]  

•→   The North Coast of Ireland 

One of the most amazing spots in Europe, featuring Carrick-A-Reed rope bridgeDunluce CastlePortrushPortballintry, The Giants Causeway . . . 

•→  Billy Connolly      … Belfast  Murals …   ⇐

∴   ‘There were roses’  ↑  [Cara Dillon]

My song for you this evening is not to make you sad
Nor for adding to the sorrows of this troubled northern land

Isaac, he was Protestant and Sean was Catholic born
But it never made a difference for the friendship, it was strong

There were roses and the tears of a people ran together

It was on a Sunday morning when the awful news came ‘round
Another killing had been done just outside Newry town
We knew that Isaac danced up there – We knew he liked the band
But when we heard that he was dead, we just could not understand
A Catholic would be killed tonight to even up the score
Oh Christ, it’s young Macdonald they have taken from the door

There were roses and the tears of a people ran together

Isaac was my friend, he cried, he begged them with his tears
But centuries of hatred have ears that do not hear
Now I don’t know where the moral is or where the song should end
But I wonder just how many wars are fought between good friends

There were roses, roses, roses and the tears of a people ran together

∇   Murals from Belfast and Derry  ⇓

Ø   Partition of Ireland  ⇔  Críochdheighilt na hÉireann
   History of Ireland  

◊  An animated  History of Ireland  ⇓

•→   Irish Music Through The Ages  ⇐ 

♦   Eleanor McEvoy  ⇓

«…This is a song called ‘You’ll Hear Better Sings Than This’, and I’d like to dedicate it to songwriters in the world, everywhere … good and bad…»  ⇓

You’ll hear better songs than this
With no trace of clumsiness
Melodies and harmonies that compliment the rhyme
Favourite songs that reminisce
Speak of times of happiness
Sentiments that make you warm inside
You’ll hear voices pure and fine
Voices far surpassing mine
Hitting notes I’d never reach and never will I s’pose
Phrases I could never play
You will hear them any day
Played by people wearing younger clothes
But this song has a prayer to you no other song on earth can do
This song swears my love for you until the end of time
If you need to hear the blues, go put on those other tunes
If you need my love, go put on mine
You’ll hear better songs than this
Songs so full of loveliness
I would not compare my songs to anyone of those
When I need to play the blues
I will play those other tunes
But I will say I love you with my own
But this song has a prayer to you …

♣  BBC Music Of Ireland  ↓  Celtic Connections

Annual Folk Festival with traditional Live Music & Celtic stuff  from The Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow [2012]

Eleanor McEvoy, Finbar Furey, Cara Dillon, Luka Bloom, Brian Kennedy and others (including Scotchman Dick Gaughan) sing the songs that Ireland is famous for, accompanied by top Irish American group Solas.



Where is this place we’ve come to
We don’t know what to say
We long to see each other
And are frightened of that day
You met me in a barren place
You walked me to the hill
We were so good for each other then
I know we could be still
You couldn’t have come at a better time – You couldn’t have come at a better time
You couldn’t have come at a better time – Not if you tried, oh no – Not if you tried, oh no
We have five hundred questions  –  Between you and me
But when you look into my eyes my love – Tell me what you see
Is it something you’re not sure of?  Is it something true and fine?
Or is it just another case  of the right thing at the wrong time?
You couldn’t have come at a better time  –  You couldn’t have come at a better time
You couldn’t have come at a better time
Since we were first together  by the lakeside sky so blue – We were so good for each other
Me and you and me and you and  me and you and me and you
You couldn’t have come at a better time  –  You couldn’t have come at a better time
You couldn’t have come at a better time  –  Not if you tried, oh no…


[Eleanor McEvoy]

My heart is low, my heart is so low
As only a woman’s heart can be
As only a woman’s, as only a woman’s  
As only a woman’s heart can know
The tears that drip from my bewildered eyes  
taste of bitter sweet romance
You’re still in my hopes
You’re still on my mind
And even though I manage on my own
My heart is low, my heart is so low … 
When restless eyes reveal my troubled soul and memories flood my weary heart
I mourn for my dreams  –  I mourn for my wasted love
And while I know that I’ll survive alone, My heart is low, my heart is so low …  

•  ‘SWEET SIXTEEN’  [Finbar Furey]

•  The Rocks Of Bawn  [Seamus & Meabh Begley]

Come all ye loyal heroes and listen on to me.
Don’t hire with any farmer till you know what your work will be
You will rise up early in the morning from the clear day light till the dawn
and you never will be able for to plough the Rocks of Bawn.
My shoes they are worn and my stockings they are thin
My heart is always trembling now for fear they might give in
My heart is always trembling now from clear daylight till the dawn
And I never will be able for to plough the Rocks of Bawn.
Rise up, gallant Sweeney, and get your horses hay
And give them a good feed of oats before they start away
Don’t feed them on soft turnip sprigs that grow on your green lawn
Or they never will be able for to plough the Rocks of Bawn.
My curse upon you, Sweeney boy, you have me nearly robbed
You’re sitting by the fireside now, your feet upon the hob
You’re sitting by the fireside now, from clear daylight till dawn
And you never will be able for to plough the Rocks of Bawn
I wish the Sergeant-Major would send for me in time
And place me in some regiment all in my youth and prime
I’d fight for Ireland’s glory now, from the clear daylight till dawn
Before I would return again to plough the Rocks of Bawn.


My young love said to me, «My mother won’t mind and my father won’t slight you for your lack of kind.» 
And she stepped away from me and this she did say «It will not be long, love, till our wedding day.» 
As she stepped away from me and she moved through the fair
and fondly I watched her move here and move there 
And then she turned homeward with one star awake  
like the swan in the evening moves over the lake. 
The people were saying, no two e’er were wed – But one had a sorrow that never was said 
And I smiled as she passed with her goods and her gear – And that was the last that I saw of my dear. 
Last night she came to me, my dead love came in  – So softly she came that her feet made no din 
As she laid her hand on me and this she did say:  «It will not be long, love, ‘til our wedding day.»

•  ‘ERIN GO BRAGH’   [Dick Gaughan]

Ma name’s Duncan Campbell fae the shire o Argyll
A’ve traivellt this country for mony’s the mile
A’ve traivellt thro Irelan, Scotlan an aa
An the name A go under’s bauld Erin-go-Bragh
Ae nicht in Auld Reekie A walked doun the street
Whan a saucy big polis A chanced for tae meet
He glowert in ma face an he gied me some jaw
Sayin whan cam ye owre, bauld Erin-go-Bragh?
Well, A am not a Pat tho in Irelan A’ve been
Nor am A a Paddy tho Irelan A’ve seen
But were A a Paddy, that’s nothin at aa
For thair’s mony’s a bauld hero in Erin-go-Bragh
Well A know ye’re a Pat by the cut o yer hair
Bit ye aa turn tae Scotsmen as sune as ye’re here
Ye left yer ain countrie for brakin the law
An we’re seizin aa stragglers fae Erin-go-Bragh
An were A a Pat an ye knew it wis true
Or wis A the devil, then whit’s that tae you?
Were it no for the stick that ye haud in yer paw
A’d show ye a game played in Erin-go-Bragh
An a lump o blackthorn that A held in ma fist
Aroun his big bodie A made it tae twist
An the blude fae his napper A quickly did draw
An paid him stock-an-interest for Erin-go-Bragh
Bit the people cam roun like a flock o wild geese
Sayin catch that daft rascal he’s killt the police
An for every freen A had A’m shair he had twa
It wis terrible hard times for Erin-go-Bragh
Bit A cam tae a wee boat that sails in the Forth
An A packed up ma gear an A steered for the North
Fareweill tae Auld Reekie, yer polis an aa
An the devil gang wi ye says Erin-go-Bragh
Sae come aa ye young people, whairever ye’re from
A don’t give a damn tae whit place ye belang
A come fae Argyll in the Heilans sae braw
Bit A ne’er took it ill bein caad Erin-go-Bragh

•  ‘MAIREAD NI MHAONAIGH’  [E. McEvoy + B Kennedy]

•  ‘CITY OF CHICAGO’   [Luka Bloom]

In the City of Chicago, as the evening shadows fall
There are people dreaming  of the hills of Donegal
Eighteen forty-seven  was the year it all began
Deadly pains of hunger  drove a million from this land
They journeyed not for glory, Their motive wasn’t greed  
A voyage of survival  across the stormy seas
To the City of Chicago  as the evening shadows fall  
There are people dreaming  of the hills of Donegal
Some of them knew fortune  –  Some of them knew fame
More of them knew hardship  –  They died upon the plains
They spread throughout the nation  –  They rode the railroad cars
Brought their songs and music   to ease their lonely hearts
To the City of Chicago  as the evening shadows fall
There are people dreaming  of the hills of Donegal
In the City of Chicago, as the evening shadows fall
There are people dreaming  of the hills of Donegal
Eighteen forty-seven  was the year it all began
Deadly pains of hunger  drove a million from this land



I’ve just dropped in to see you all  –  I’ll only stay a while
I want to hear how you’re getting on  –  I want to see you smile
I’m happy to be back again  –  And greet you one and all
For there’s no place else on earth just like  The homes of Donegal
I long to see your smiling children   Standing by the door
The kettle boiling on the hearth   As I walk up the floor
And then to see a welcome free   For travelers one and all
For your hearts are like your mountains  In the homes of Donegal
I’d like to stay along with you   And while away the night
With fairy lore and tales of yore   Beside the turf fire bright
And then to see laid out for me   A shake-down by the wall
For there’s rest for weary wanderers
In the homes of Donegal   The time has come for me to go
And bid you all adieu   For the open highway calls me back
To do these things I do   But when I’m traveling far away
Your friendship I’ll recall   And please God I’ll soon return unto
The homes of Donegal  –  Donegal, Pride of all  –  Donegal, Pride of all

•  ‘DANNY BOY’   [Brian Kennedy]

O Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen and down the mountainside
The summer’s gone and all the flowers are dying
‘it’s you, it’s you must go and I must bide.

But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow
Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow
‘It’s I’ll be there in sunshine or in shadow
O Danny boy, O Danny boy, I love you so.
And if you come and all the flowers are dying
And I am dead, as dead I may be,
You’ll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an Ave there for me.
And I shall hear, though soft, your tread above me
And on my grave will warm and sweeter be
Then you shall kneel and whisper that you love me
And I will sleep in peace until you come to me.

•  ‘HUGOS’S BIG REEL’   [Solas]

¤  SOLAS  ↓ ‘Tell God and the Devil’

Seven years a miner, a mine for seven more
No better man on earth now to loose a mountain floor
Do load us in the chippy the trucks down every day
No braver man on earth boys no matter what they say

So tell god and the devil they can try
But today is not gonna be the day we die

Don’t want to see those hummet man to come to carry you
The grone is so cold and hard above they won’t even bury you
So top top topper lightning slightly as it goes
You better take some cover now and hide before she blows

Get those bricks and shovels of your backs
Get the rocks into the box and down the tracks

There’s mokkers and there’s skinners and nippers on the jill
They work all day and night boys as only miners will
Will chase rebellious copper the walls you pick and hack
Don’t worry if your digging scared, us miners get you back

So tell God and the Devil they can try
But today is not gonna be the day we die

The Gods don’t venture down here, the Devil lost your name
Your life hangs in the balance on this fragile human chain
And when your spirrits whirling the fear is yours to tame
When you feel the darkness closing turn up your carbit flame

And tell God and the Devil they can try
But today is not gonna be the day we die…

Δ  Karan Casey  ⇓  A Chomaraigh Aoibhinn O (Sweet Comeraghs)

«My heartfelt blessings – On your valleys and mountains – Sweet Comeragh
And on your cheeful people – So naturally kind – Sweet Comeragh
On your shining streams And your leafy woodlands
Your honeyed slopes And your gleaming meadows
My heart fills with love For all of them surely – Sweet Comeragh

Your rugged peaks are a handsome sight – Sweet Comeragh
As the rising sun sets them aflame – Sweet Comeragh
Cliffs and steep slopes in every direction
Like a satin weave from a magic loom
As the dew falls from the heavens high – Sweet Comeragh

I was a while away from your beauty – Sweet Comeragh
Slaving so hard in a foreign land – Sweet Comeragh
Base work it was – Just making a living
Far from my home  ‘Neath the shade of your mountains
So I came back to you  The flower of the Déise – Sweet Comeragh»

Mo bheannacht óm’ chroí  –  Dod’ thir ‘s dod’ shléibhte – A chomaraigh aoibhinn ó 
Is dod’ mhuintir shuairc  –  Ar dual dóibh féile – A chomaraigh aoibhinn ó 
Do shrutháin gheala  –  ‘S do choillte craobhach 
Do ghleannta meala  –  ‘S do bhánta léire 
Ó grá mo chroí  –  Iad siúd le chéile – A chomaraigh aoibhinn ó 

Is dathúil breá  –  Do chruacha scéimchruth – A chomaraigh aoibhinn ó 
Nuair a lasaid suas  –  Le hamharc gréine – A chomaraigh aoibhinn ó 
Na faillte ‘s leacain  –  Ar gach taobh diot 
Mar bhrata sróil  –  Le seolta gleásta 
Nuair a scaipeann an drúcht  –  Anuas ón spéir ort – A chomaraigh aoibhinn ó 

Do bhíos thar sáile  –  Seal i gcéin uait – A chomaraigh aoibhinn ó 
I ndúthaigh fáin  –  Ag déanamh saoithair – A chomaraigh aoibhinn ó 
Ach b’obair tháir liom  –  Cnuasach gréithre 
I bhfad óm’ ait  –  Fé scáil do shléibhte 
Is chas mé arís ort  –  A phlúr na nDéise – A chomaraigh aoibhinn ó
⇓  The Little Drummer Girl      

One of the many songs in which a young girl dresses up as a man and joins the Army. This one is special because there’s no lover involved nor does she become pregnant.

The second verse [‘… the ra-ba-da-ba-dum’] refers to the habit punishing the young servicemen (drummer boys, midshipmen etc.) for petty offenses with lashes on the bare bottom while being bent over breech of a cannon.

←Vocals and guitar from the duo, founder members of Irish-American group SolasKaran Casey (vocals) and John Doyle (vocals, guitars, bouzouki, mandola). Back together in 2010 for their album Exiles Return.

I was brought up in Yorkshire and when I was sixteen
I ran away to London and a soldier I became

With me fine cap and feathers, likewise me rattling drum 
They learn-ed me beat to play upon the ra-ba-da-ba-dum 
With me gentle waist so slender and me fingers long and small 
I could play upon the ra-ba-dum the best of them all

Many a world would fight, I fought up on the field
So boldly did I fight them all and I refused to heed
Buttoned then up me trousers so up to them I smiled
To think I’d live with a thousand men and a maiden all the while

[Chorus . . .]

They never found my secret out until this very hour
They sent me out to London to be sentry at the Tower
A lady fell in love with me,  she found that I’s a maid
She went out to me officer and me secret she betrayed
Well he unbuttoned then my red tunic and he found that it was true
«It’s a shame», he said «to lose a pretty drummer boy like you»
And now I must return, I’m going all alone
Along with my old comrades no longer can I roam

With me fine cap and feathers, likewise me rattling drum 
They learn-ed me beat to play upon the ra-ba-da-ba-dum 
With me gentle waist so slender and me fingers long and small 
I could play upon the ra-ba-dum the best of them all

◊  Ceili Irish Music ↓ The Kilkenny’s

•→ How to Dance the Seven Irish Step Dancing ⇐

◊ →  Mo Ghile Mear  ↓

A lament for Bonnie Prince Charlie, the failure of the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745, the slaughter of clansmen at Culloden and the disappearance of Highland tradition. Written by Seán Clárach Mac Dhomhnaill (c. 1691-1757).

An Irish tribute to the «Great Pretender», Bonnie Prince Charlie, the descendant of Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots who had sought to sit on the throne of Britain. To put an end to religious persecution in Scotland, occupied Ireland, Wales, and England, his loyal followers of the Jacobite movement fought for him to take possession of the crown. The Jacobite rebellion (1745) was put down and hundreds of thousands died in battle under unsurmountable odds. Under secrecy, the prince fled to the continent and died in exile. 

The video dramatizes the Gaeliclyrics← with the paintings of D’Arcy Bacon, Caravaggio, Mary Cassatt, Gustave Courbet, Julien Dupre, Winslow Homer, and J.M.W. Turner.

· · · →Mary Black  ⇓

Curfa’si mo laoch, mo ghile mear’ si mo chaesar, ghile mear.
Suan na sian nm bhfuaireas fiin – O chuaigh in gciin mo ghile mear . . .
Bmmse buan ar buairt gach ls Ag caoi go ctuaidh ‘s ag tuar na ndeor
Mar scaoileadh uaim an buachaill beo’s na rmomhtar tuairisc uaidh mo bhrsn.
Nm lagnrann cuach go suairc ar nsin Is nml guth gadhair I gcoillte cns
Na maidin shamhraidh I gcleanntaibh ceoi O d’imigh uaim an buachaill beo.
Seinntear stair ar chlairsigh cheoil Is liontair tainte cart ar bord
Le hinntinn ard gan chaim gan cheo Chun saol is slainte d’fhail don leon.
Seal da rabhas im’mhaighdean shiimh’s anois im’ bhaintreach chaite thriith
Mo chiile ag treabhadh ne dtonn go trian De bharr na gcnoc is in imigiin.
♣   Paddy O’ Connor & Friends  ↓  ‘Rambling Irishman’

I am a rambling Irishman – In Ulster I was born in
And many blessing days I spent by the shores of sweet Lough Erin
But to live poor I could not endure like the others of my station
To America I sailed away and left this Irish nation

Ry tan tin-a-na, tan tin-a-na – Ry tan tin-a-noora nandy …

The night before I went away, I spent it with my darling
from 3 o’clock in the afternoon till the break of day the next morning
But when it was that we should part, we linked each other’s arms
To America we sailed away, a journey with our charms

Ry tan tin-a-na, tan tin-a-na – Ry tan tin-a-noora nandy…

And when we reached the other side, we were both stout and healthy
We dropped our anchor in the bay, going down by Philadelphia
So let every lass drink with her lad in blue jacket and white trousers
And let every lad link with his lass and take them as life spouses.

Ry tan tin-a-na, tan tin-a-na – Ry tan tin-a-noora nandy…

♥  Cara Dillon: ⇓  ‘Craigie Hills’  

It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing,
Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray,
The the thrushes they were warbling,
The violets they were charming
To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay.
She said, my dear don’t leave me all for another season,
Though fortune does be pleasing I ‘ll go along with you,
I ‘ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation,
And to the bonny Bann banks forever I ‘ll bid adieu.
He said, my dear don’t grieve or yet annoy my patience,
You know I love you dearly the more I’m going away,
I’m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation,
To comfort us hereafter all in Amerika y.
Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing,
T’will cause them for smile at our late going away,
We’ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory,
We’ll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerika y.
If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying,
The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you’d give o’er,
Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower,
Pleasure would surround you, you’d think on death no more.
Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I’ve roved,
I never thought my childhood days I ‘d part you any more,
Now we’re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion,
And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore.


←   Sinéad O’Connor  → Mná na hÉireann ←

«There’s a woman in Ireland who’d give me a gem and my fill to drink,
There’s a woman in Ireland to whom my singing is sweeter than the music of strings
There’s a woman in Ireland who would much prefer me leaping
Than laid in the clay and my belly under the sod

There’s a woman in Ireland who’d envy me if I got naught but a kiss
From a woman at a fair, isn’t it strange, and the love I have for them
There’s a woman I’d prefer to a battalion, and a hundred of them whom I will never get
And an ugly, swarthy man with no English has a beautiful girl

There’s a woman who would say that if I walked with her I’d get the gold
And there’s the woman of the shirt whose mien is better than herds of cows
With a woman who would deafen baile an mhaoir and the plain of tyrone
And I see no cure for my disease but to give up the drink.»

«Tá bean in Éirinn a phronnfadh séad domh is mo sháith le n-ól
Is tá bean in Éirinn is ba bhinne léithe mo ráfla ceoil
Ná seinm théad; atá bean in Éirinn is níorbh fhearr léi beo
Mise ag léimnigh nó leagtha i gcré is mo thárr faoi fhód

Tá bean in Éirinn a bheadh ag éad liom mur’ bhfaighfinn ach póg
Ó bhean ar aonach, nach ait an scéala, is mo dháimh féin leo;
Tá bean ab fhearr liom nó cath is céad dhíobh nach bhfagham go deo
Is tá cailín spéiriúil ag fear gan Bhéarla, dubhghránna cróin.

Tá bean a déarfadh dá siulfainn léi go bhfaighinn an t-ór,
Is tá bean ‘na léine is is fearr a méin ná na táinte bó
Le bean a bhuairfeadh Baile an Mhaoir is clár Thír Eoghain,
Is ní fheicim leigheas ar mo ghalar féin ach scaird a dh’ól.»

Φ  Sharon Corr  ↓ «Mna Na hEireann»

•→  Harry’s Game  ⇐  

I will go east and go west – From whence came  The moon and the sun
The moon and the sun will go And the young man
With his reputation behind him – I will go wherever he came from –
The young man with his reputation behind him

Imtheochaidh  soir is siar
A dtainig ariamh  an ghealach is an ghrian
Fol lol the doh  fol the day – Fol the doh  fol the day
Imtheochaidh an ghealach’s an ghrian
An Daoine og is a chail ‘na dhiadh
Fol lol the doh fol the day . . . Fol the doh fol the day . . .

Imtheochaidh a dtainig ariamh
an duine og is a chail ne dhiadh
Fol lol the doh fol the day – Fol the doh  fol the day

¤ Irish Literature, Mythology & Folklore→[01] ⇔ [02]←

•→Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology

¤  Some Irish Slang …  →[01]← / →[02]←

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