mayo 2024

German Expressionism

Early 20th Century

Influenced by the work of the Post Impressionists: Van Gogh, Cezanne, and Matisse, there were two great branches of German Expressionism:

¤ Die Brucke: – Ernst Ludwig Kirchner; – Edvard Munch; – Paula Modersohn Becker; – Kathe Kollwitz . . .

¤ Der Blaue Reiter: – […]

Pina 3D [Wim Wenders, 2011]

Pina is a 2011 German 3D documentary film about the contemporary dance choreographer Pina Bausch. It was directed by Wim Wenders. The film premiered Out of Competition at the 61st Berlin International Film Festival.

During the preparation of the documentary, Pina Bausch died unexpectedly. Wenders cancelled the film production, but the other dancers of Tanztheater Wuppertal convinced him to make the film anyway. It […]

Werner Herzog

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♦ ♦ Lessons of Darkness ↓ (1992)

Shot in documentary style on 16mm film from the perspective of an alien observer, the film is an exploration of the ravaged oil fields of post-Gulf War Kuwait, decontextualised and characterised in such a way as to emphasise the terrain’s cataclysmic strangeness.


German Expressionist Cinema

¤  The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari     ⇓   [1920]

A 1920 silent horror film directed by Robert Wiene from a screenplay by Hans Janowitz and Carl Mayer. It is one of the most influential of German Expressionist films and is often considered one of the greatest horror movies of the silent era. The film used stylized sets, […]

Fatih Akin

Born in Hamburg to Turkish parents, Fatih Akin has taken Istanbul to his heart like a native. The title of this film refers to the fact that the city, placed at the point where Asia and Europe meet, has always been as open to the East as it is to the West. It […]

Peter Sloterdijk

¤ The Grasping Hand The modern democratic state pillages its productive citizens [Winter 2010]

To assess the unprecedented scale that the modern democratic state has attained in Europe, it is useful to recall the historical kinship between two movements that emerged at its birth: classical liberalism and anarchism. Both were motivated by the […]


¤ «Krautrock – The Rebirth of Germany»: This BBC Four documentary looks at how a radical generation of musicians created a new German musical identity out of the cultural ruins of war.

Between 1968 and 1977 bands like Neu!, Can, Faust and Kraftwerk would look beyond western rock and roll […]

Tomorrow belongs to me

Written by John Kander and Fred Ebb in the style of a traditional German song, sung by the Nazi youth in 1972 musical ‘Cabaret’, to stir up patriotism for the «fatherland». It has often been mistaken for a genuine «Nazi anthem» and led to the songwriters being accused of anti-Semitism, which proves how brilliantly Bob Fosse  depicted […]

The Three-Penny Opera [K Weill]

The Threepenny Opera proclaims itself «an opera for beggars,» and it was in fact an attempt both to satirize traditional opera and operetta and to create a new kind of musical theater based on the theories of two young German artists, composer Kurt Weill and poet-playwright Bert Brecht. The show […]

Richard Wagner


¤ Tannhäuser ⇓

Overture by Gilbert Levine ⇑

ACT I. Medieval Germany. In the Venusberg, magical mountain abode of Venus, the minstrel Tannhäuser halfheartedly praises the goddess of beauty, who for more than a year has bestowed her love upon him. Venus promises greater […]