octubre 2024

The Human Body

•→ http://photographicdictionary.com/body-parts ⇐

• Idioms related to the body . . . →[01] ⇔ [02] ⇔ [03] ⇔ [04]←

· · · click the parts for idioms . . . →[01]← / →[02]← / →[03]←

→[quiz 01]← / →[quiz 02]← [body idioms]


Non-finite Verb Forms

¤ Finite & Non-finite Verbs ←[pdf]

¤ Auxiliary Verbs ⇐ «Auxiliaries are required with non-finite verbs. This is their role to mark non-finite verb forms for tense, aspect and voice, which non-finite verbs cannot express. Finite verbs mark these features on their own.»

(Bernard T. O’Dwyer, Modern English Structures: Form, Function)


Not bad!

Unlike Spaniards, who are prone to exaggeration in their everyday remarks, Britons (not Americans!) tend to prefer understatements. Take a movie: while it may well be appraised as ‘Great!’ or ‘Brilliant!‘ by a Spanish national, it might simply be assessed as ‘Not bad’ (not less appraisal to be inferred from the lips […]



•→Pronouns vs. determiners⇐

• quiz→



There’s a lot of English in this chart, with all these reference words.

I my mine me myself you your yours you yourself he his his him himself […]



♣ Can you feel the pain? ↔aches & pains. •→PAIN collocations⇐

•→Physically painful ⇐[MacMillan Dictionary]

¤ English words and phrases connected with injury.

Boil = infected swelling with liquid inside it:

«You’ll need to go to the doctor to have that boil lanced.» (lance – puncture and clean)

Lump […]

Rhythm & Stress

Stress: an essential element of rhythm, which is the most distinctive feature of the English language. Word stress is not used in Japanese or Spanish, where each syllable is pronounced with eq-ual em-pha-sis.

The biggest difference in the “music” of languages is the way we speak syllables. All languages can divide […]

Pitch & Intonation – Pauses

Intonation – Intonation is the rising and falling sounds of the voice when speaking. Intonation (Part 2) – Phrasing – In addition to the intonation of a statement, there is another aspect of speech that indicates meaning — phrasing. Intonation (Part 3) – Contrast – Once the intonation of new information is established, you’ll […]

Verbal Communication

THE LIVING SISTERS ⇓ Video by Michel Gondry [2011]

How are you doing? How are you doing?I’ll be fine, how about you?I’m fine too

How is it going? How is it going?Yes it goes, what about you?It goes for me too.

Nothing new, can’t […]

Play Phrase

•→www.http://playphrase.me/⇐ — 205165 phrases, from 222 movies . . . Φ Just type in the phrase you would like to hear; it might be: – «I was wondering…» or – «Would you believe…?» or – «Do you mean?» or – «…and the like.» or – «You see…» or – «as long as…» or -«There seems […]

Advertising & Commercials

¤ A slide_share presentation: ↓ History of Advertising

History of Advertising from Tugce Esener Φ The Language of Advertising . . .⇐

φ Advertising vocabulary quiz . . . ⇒ [01] ⇔ [02] ⇔ [03] ⇐


◊ Guinness 1994 ⇓ ‘We have all the time in the world’ […]

A symphony of adjectives

•→Adjectives … lists ⇒[01] ⇔ [02]⇐ // •→Top 500 Adjectives⇐

⇒ QUIZ #1 ⇔ QUIZ #2 ⇐

∞ Collocations… Click on ⇒facilities⇐ Find the odd one out.

Φ Opposites … ⇒ [01] ⇔ [02] ⇔ [03] ⇔ [04]⇐

•→Softening ⇐[quizzes]

If you use a negative adjective, […]

… _ ed

The (-ed) ending of regular past forms has three sound realizations: [-d] [-t] [-id], depending on the sounds just before it.

• If the verb ends in a voiced phoneme, the ‘-ed’ ending sounds like [-d]

• If the verb ends in a voiceless consonant […]

Sibilant sounds

⇒ [s] vs [∫] ⇐

[s] vs [z]

‘hiss’ vs ‘buzz’


•⇒Pronunciation of words ending in -S ⇐ When we pronounce the –s in the words ‘dogs’,’cats’, ‘dishes’, ‘lives’, and ‘it’s’, do we pronounce […]

Connected Speech

•→ would – contractions ⇐

◊ How to understand native speakers’ questions ⇓


There are hundreds on the Net, but you’ll have enough with these for quite a while. Here’s some good ones for Spaniards:

«Six Spanish students study […]

Silent letters

•→ QUIZ ⇐

Present & old habits

¤ Past simple for past habits & states :

The past simple is used to express habits and states that existed during a period of time in the past. This period can be implied or expressed with a time expression or a clause:

When I was a child, I visited my grandma every […]


♣ Negation ⇐(like asking) is one of the most difficult areas of English

•→ Double Negatives⇐[a feature of Spaniards and Blacks]

∇ Transferred Negation

When we express negative ideas with verbs like think, believe… we prefer to make the first verb negative instead of the second. We shift or transfer the […]

Ask questions

• Asking questions is another tricky area of English language. This →Anglo-link video lesson ←may give you some insights.

⇓ Another video tutorial by Katie [Beta College of English]

◊→ Intonation in questions ⇓

•→ Question Tags – Intonation ←

•→ Follow-up Questions ⇐


Assertive vs Nonassertive forms

¤ Ways of saying . . . ‘YEP!’ ⇓

. . . ‘definitely‘ / ‘of course‘ / ‘sure‘ / ‘naturally‘ / ‘that’s right‘ / ‘I don’t mind if I do‘ / ‘by all means‘ / ‘you bet‘ / ‘you’re on‘ / ‘no problem‘ / ‘affirmative‘ / ‘absolutely‘ […]

Verb tenses & aspects

♣ English Tenses & Aspects . . . →[Basic]← // →[Advanced]←

English tenses ⇑ ∞ Tense consistency …

Many learners get mixed up between these two expressions. Listen to Liliane’s free tutorial at Beta College of English ⇓

What’s important to remember: the forms ‘have/has got..’ are only […]