octubre 2024

Canned Heat + Frank Zappa + Captain Beefheart

¤   Canned Heat  ⇓  ‘On The Road Again’  ⇐

Well, I’m so tired of crying,
but I’m out on the road again (I’m on the road again . . .)
I ain’t got no woman just to call my special friend.
You know the first time I traveled out 
in the rain and snow  (In the rain and snow . . .)
I didn’t have no payroll, Not even no place to go.
And my dear mother left me when I was quite young
When I was quite young . . .
She said «Lord, have mercy on my wicked son.»
Take a hint from me, mama,
please don’t you cry no more  (Don’t you cry no more . . .)
‘Cause it’s soon one morning down the road I’m going.
But I ain’t going down that long old lonesome road all by myself . . .
I can’t carry you,  Baby,  Gonna carry somebody else.
∇  ‘Amphetamine Annie’  ⇓

This is a song with a message – I want you to heed my warning
I wanna tell you all a story about this chick I know
They call her «Amphetamine Annie» – She’s always shovelling snow
I sat her down and told her – I told her crystal clear
«I don’t mind you getting high but there’s one thing you should fear
Your mind might think its flying, baby, on those little pills
But you ought to know it’s dying, ‘cause… Speed kills«
But Annie kept on speeding – Her health was getting poor
She saw things in the window – She heard things at the door
Her mind was like a grinding mill – Her lips were cracked and sore
Her skin was turning yellow – I just couldn’t take it no more
She thought her mind was flying on those little pills
She didn’t it was going down fast, ‘cause… Speed kills
Well I sat her down and told her – I told her one more time
«The whole wide human race has taken far too much methedrine»
She said «I don’t care what a Limey says, I’ve got to get it on
I’m not here to just see no man who come from across the pond
She wouldn’t heed my warning – Lord, she wouldn’t hear what I said
Now she’s in the graveyard, and she’s awfully dead


*            *            *

÷            ÷                      ÷            ÷                      ÷            ÷

¤  Frank Zappa   [1940-1993]⇒

«I don’t want to write a book, but I’m going to do it anyway, because Peter Occhiogrosso is going to help me. He is a writer. He likes books — he even reads them. I think it is good that books still exist, but they make me sleepy.

The way we’re going to do it is, Peter will come to California and spend a few weeks recording answers to ‘fascinating questions,’ then the tapes will be transcribed. Peter will edit them, put them on floppy discs, send them back to me, I will edit them again, and that result will be sent to Ann Patty at Poseidon Press, and she will make it come out to be ‘A BOOK.’

∇   ‘Cosmik Debris’   ⇓

The Mystery Man came over an’ he said: «I’m outa-sight!»
He said, for a nominal service charge,
I could reach Nirvana t’nite
If I was ready, willing ‘n able to pay him his regular fee
He would drop all the rest of his pressing affairs
And devote His Attention to me
But I said . . . Look here brother,
Who you jivin’ with that Cosmik Debris?
(Now who you jivin’ with that Cosmik Debris?)
Look here brother,
Don’t you waste your time on me

Well, the Mystery Man got nervous
An’ he fidget around a bit
He reached in the pocket of his Mystery Robe
An’ he whipped out a shaving kit
Now, I thought it was a razor an’ a can of foamin’ goo
But he told me right then when the top popped open
There was nothin’ his box won’t do
With the oil of Afro-dytee an’ the dust of the Grand Wazoo
He said:

«You might not believe this, little fella,  but it’ll cure your asthma too.»

An’ I said . . . Look here brother,
Who you jivin’ with that Cosmik Debris?
(Now what kind of a guroo are you anyway?)
Look here brother,
Don’t you waste your time on me

I’ve got troubles of my own, I said, an’ you can’t help me out
So take your meditations an’ your preparations
An’ ram it up yer snout
«BUT I GOT A KRISTL BOL!», he said
An’ held it to the light
So I snatched it all away from him
An’ I showed him how to do it right
I wrapped a newspaper ‘round my head
So I’d look like I was Deep
I said some Mumbo Jumbos then
An’ I told him he was goin’ to sleep
I robbed his rings an’ pocket watch
An’ everything else I found
I had that sucker hypnotized
He couldn’t even make a sound
I proceeded to tell him his future then
As long as he was hanging around,
I said, «The price of meat has just gone up
An’ yer ol’ lady has just gone down . . . »
Look here brother,
Who you jivin’ with that Cosmik Debris?
You could make more money as a butcher,
So don’t you waste your time on me

⇓   ‘Bobby Brown (Comes Down)’

The song describes a wealthy, misogynist student named Bobby Brown, «the cutest boy in town», whose life is the archetypical American Dream until a traumatic sexual encounter with «Freddie», a lesbian involved in the women’s liberation movement, leaves him questioning his sexuality. He eventually realizes that he is gay and by the end of the song is a self-described «sexual spastic» involved in golden showers and S&M, for which he thanks Fred.

[Verse 1]
Hey there, people, I’m Bobby Brown
They say I’m the cutest boy in town
My car is fast, my teeth is shiney
I tell all the girls they can kiss my heinie
Here I am at a famous school
I’m dressin’ sharp and I’m actin’ cool
I got a cheerleader here wants to help with my paper
Let her do all the work and maybe later I’ll rape her

[Chorus 1]
Oh God I am the American dream
I do not think I’m too extreme
An’ I’m a handsome son of a bitch
I’m gonna get a good job and be real rich

[Verse 2]
Women’s Liberation
Came creepin’ all across the nation
I tell you people, I was not ready
When I fucked this dyke by the name of Freddie
She made a little speech then
Aw, she tried to make me say when
She had my balls in a vice, but she left the dick
I guess it’s still hooked on, but now it shoots too quick

[Chorus 2]
Oh God I am the American dream
But now I smell like Vaseline
An’ I’m a miserable sonofabitch
Am I a boy or a lady… I don’t know which
(I wonder … wonder … )
[Verse 3]
So I went out and bought me a leisure suit
I jingle my change, but I’m still kinda cute
Got a job doin’ radio promo
And none of the jocks can even tell I’m a homo
Eventually me and a friend
Sorta of drifted along into S&M
I can take about an hour on the tower of power
As long as I get a little golden shower

[Chorus 3]
Oh God I am the American dream
With a spindle up my butt till it makes me scream
An’ I’ll do anything to get ahead
I lay awake nights sayin,’ «Thank you, Fred!»
Oh God, Oh God, I’m so fantastic!
Thanks to Freddie, I’m a sexual spastic
And my name is Bobby Brown
Watch me now; I’m goin’ down

And my name is Bobby Brown
Watch me now; I’m goin’ down . . .

◊→  ‘Honey, don’t you want a man like me?’ 

Honey honey, hey . . . Baby don’t you want a man like me 
Honey honey, hey . . . Baby don’t you want a man like me 
He was the Playboy Type (he smoke a pipe) 
His fav’rite phrase was «OUTA-SITE!» 
He had an Irish Setter 
It was a singles bar, a Tuesday night 
The moon was dim, the band was tight 
They did the bump together 
What a splendid sight,(Ren-nen-nen-nen) her teeth were white 
The drinks were cheap (it was Ladies Nite) 
He was glad that he met her 
She was an office girl («My name is Betty»)
…Her fav’rite group was . . . HELEN REDDY
(They discussed the weather) 
Honey honey, hey . . .  Baby don’t you want a man like me 
Honey honey, hey . . .  Baby don’t you want a man like me 
Honey honey, hey . . .  Baby don’t you want a . . . 
Baby don’t you want a . . . Baby don’t you want a man 
She was the lonely sort, just a little too short 
Her jokes were dumb and her fav’rite sport 
Was hockey (in the winter) 
He was duly impressed and was quick to suggest 
Any sport with a PUCK had to be ‘bout the best 
As he jabbed his elbow in her («Get it honey? Get it?»)
Later on they went off to where the music was soft, 
The candles were drippy, they saw a REAL HIPPY 
Who delivered their dinner 
The rice was brown, and soon they found 
That the crowd around that had jammed the room, 
Well it seemed to be getting thinner 
Honey honey, hey . . . Baby don’t you want a man like me 
Honey honey, hey . . . Baby don’t you want a man like me 
Honey honey, hey . . . Baby don’t you want a . . . 
Baby don’t you want a . . .  Baby don’t you want a man 
He took her home to a motor court 
She wouldn’t kiss him, he tried to ignore it, 
But it made him angry! 
(OH boy, angry, it made me angry, it made me so angry I could have killed that lousy BITCH!) 
He called her a pig, a slut and a whore 
A bitch and a republican and she slammed the door 
In a petulant frenzy! 
(A petulant frenzy, this is a petulant frenzy. 
I’m petulant, and I’m having a frenzy) 
On the sofa she weeps  – BOO HOO HOO HOO 
She weeps and she weeps  – BOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO 
She weeps and she peeks through the curtain 
He just got in his car  but the battery’s dead 
So he asks to use the phone  and she gives him some head 
And that’s the end of the story 
Honey honey, hey . . . Baby don’t you want a man like me 
Honey honey, hey . . . Baby don’t you want a man like me 
Honey honey, hey . . . Baby don’t you want a . . .
Baby don’t you want a man 
Baby don’t you want a man sometimes?
◊  ‘Muffin Man’  ⇓

Girl you thought he was a man but he was a muffin
He hung around till you found that he didn’t know nuthin’
Girl you thought he was a man  but he only was a-puffin’
No cries is heard in the night as a result of him stuffin’

•→Does humor belongs in Music? (1984)⇐

Now let me explain something to you  ↑  You know what my idea of a good time is, ladies and gentlemen of the German Nation, whoever else is watching this stupid broadcast… My idea of a good time is… The biggest problem in the world today is Mental Health. If everybody had good mental health, then all the other problems would be solved, because in order to take care of mechanical and practical problems you have to have good mental health in order to attack those problems.

If people have motives that are not worthwhile, then those bad motives are always gonna creep into their activities, then you see that every day from the way the political people work. If people were just in a position to have their minds functioning right, then everything else would fall into line. Now, that’s what I’m after, that’s my dream. Now that’s a DREAM, that’s probably not gonna happen, but that’s my dream.

¤  Frank Zappa Bio: Life and Career  ⇐

Prolific. Proactive. And definitely provocative. Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we’re taking a look at the life and career of Frank Zappa.

•  Early Musical Interest

Frank Vincent Zappa was born December 21st, 1940 in Baltimore, Maryland, but moved frequently due to his father’s defense industry work. Heavily influenced by avant-garde classical composers, R&B and doo-wop, the young Zappa was soon writing, arranging and conducting complex experimental pieces.

•  Soul Giants

After scoring a couple of ultra-low budget independent films and working with artists like Ray Collins and Captain Beefheart, Zappa became the guitarist for the San Diego band the Soul Giants in 1965. He also began demonstrating what became a lifelong disregard for authority, after six months in jail on bogus porn production charges.

•  Mothers of Invention

The assertive and confident musician soon took control of the Soul Giants, and saw them renamed The Mothers of Invention. The Zappa legend swung into gear.

•  Debut

The Mothers’ 1966 debut Freak Out! was the first of some five dozen Zappa albums released over the next 27 years. That double album demonstrated Zappa’s command of different musical styles and featured “Trouble Every Day,” which focused on the racially charged Watts riots. Zappa later penned more complexly satirical lyrics, as skewering anything that promoted authority figures or mindless mainstream attitudes became his passion.

•  Live Shows and Home Taping

During live shows, he proved both his improvisational skills and his experimental side. He often taped his performances and added them to studio recordings to make new material.

•  Chart Success

Zappa was hailed as a startlingly original new voice, but many were confused by his constant mixing of genres. The Mothers of Invention did make it into the top 30 of the album charts with 1968’s We’re Only in It for the Money, and scored a gold record for 1973’s Over-Nite Sensation, but most of their recordings were embraced by critics rather than mainstream audiences.

•  Accidents

In 1971, Zappa’s career was almost cut short. As recounted in Deep Purple’s hit “Smoke on the Water,” he was performing with a new version of The Mothers at Casino de Montreux in Switzerland when the band’s gear was destroyed by fire. Scarcely a week later, during a London gig, Zappa endured a life-threatening accident when he was pushed off-stage by a fan. Broken bones, head injuries and serious damage to his larynx left the singer wheelchair-bound for months.

•  Commercial Success

Zappa rebounded, and had his only top 10 success with 1974’s Apostrophe, which he released as a solo artist. The gold record contained his first single ever to hit the Hot 100 charts: “Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow” peaked at number 86, but became one of his most recognizable tracks.

•  American and European Recognition

In 1979, Zappa found mainstream U.S. success when the disco-satirizing “Dancin’ Fool,” off the live record Sheik Yerbouti reached number 45. He also found European success with that album’s “Bobby Brown.”

•  “Joe’s Garage”

Zappa’s masterwork, Joe’s Garage, was released later that same year. The rock opera merged Zappa’s concerns with individual will, government, religion and sexuality, and his wildly eclectic music taste, in one stunning package.

•   Moon Unit and Censorship

Further U.S. success came with the 1982 single, “Valley Girl,” which he created with his daughter Moon Unit. Three years later, Zappa made headlines by appearing at a Senate hearing to denounce the Parents Music Resource Center, whose aggressive promotion of a ratings system for “explicit lyrics” he found repellent.

•  Grammy Award

He won his first Grammy for the 1986 instrumental record Jazz from Hell, which he recorded by using a Synclavier synthesizer.

•  Cancer

Unfortunately, Zappa was diagnosed with inoperable prostate cancer in 1990. He focused his last few years on orchestral works and conducted his pieces at the Frankfurt Festival in 1992. On December 4th, 1993, he passed away.

• Posthumous Releases

Death did not diminish Zappa’s fame: more than two dozen Zappa recordings were released posthumously, and his family is intent on keeping the Zappa legacy alive. Rolling Stone also named him one of the 100 Greatest Artists and Guitarists of All Time, while artists as disparate as Alice Cooper, George Clinton and Jimi Hendrix have acknowledged his influence.

• Musical Legacy

Frank Zappa was one of the first rock artists to build bridges between genres like rock, jazz, classical and musique concrete. He will long be remembered as one of rock’s most fervent foes of censorship and narrow-mindedness.

÷            ÷                      ÷            ÷                      ÷            ÷

 ¤  Captain Beefheart   [1941-2010]

∇   Sure ‘nuff ‘n Yes I do  ↓

Well I was born in the desert came on up from New Orleans
Came up on a tornado sunlight in the sky
I went around all day with the moon sticking in my eye

Hey hey hey all you young girls wherever you’re at
I got a brand new Cadillac I got a Ferrari too
Sure ‘nuff baby sure ‘nuff ‘n yes I do

Got the time to teach ya’ now, bet you’ll learn some too
Got the time to teach ya’ now, bet you’ll learn some too
Sure ‘nuff baby sure ‘nuff ‘n yes I do

Hey hey hey all you young girls whatever you do
Hey hey hey all you young girls whatever you do
Well come on by and see me I’ll make it worth it to you

…..with me and I’ll ..with me and you
Sleep with me and I’ll sleep with me and you
Stick with me and I’ll stick with me and you

Singin through you to me; thunderbolts caught easily  Shouts the truth peacefully
High voltage man kisses night to bring the light to those who need to hide their shadow deed
Go into bright find the light and know that friends don`t mind just how you grow
midnight cowboy stains in black reads dark roads without a map
To free-seeking electricity
(repeat . . .)
Lighthouse beacon straight ahead straight ahead across black seas to bring  
Seeking eeee-lec-tri-ci-teeeee
High voltage man kisses night to bring the light to those who need to hide their shadow-deed  –  hide their shadow-deed 
Seek electricity………..
∇   ‘My Head is My Only House Unless it Rains’ ⇓ 
I’ll let a train be my feet if it’s too far to walk to you
And if a train don’t go there I’ll get a jet or a bus
‘Cuz I’m gonna find you – You’re gonna see my shadow soon around you
And my head is my only house unless it rains
I’ve walked the meadow plains
Water deserts on my eyes until I find you
I won’t sleep until I find you  –  I won’t eat until I find you
My heart won’t beat until I wrap my arms around you
My arms are just two things in the way till I can wrap them around you
You can make my sad song happy and a bad world good
I can feel you out there movin’ – You’re mine and I know I’ll find you
And my head is my only house until I found you
I hate to hear other people hear me sing this song
If it reaches you before I do
Follow this song to I love you – That’s where I’ll find you
And my head is my only house unless it rains

•→  ‘Ice Cream for Crow’  ⇐ Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band; directed by Don Van Vliet (with much uncredited assistance from producer Ken Schreiber), cinematography by Daniel Pearl (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre); Don Van Vliet (vocals, harp), Gary Lucas (guitar), Jeff Tepper (guitar), Rick Snyder (bass), Cliff Martinez (drums); filmed on location in the High Mojave Desert near Lancaster, California; clip rejected by MTV USA as «too weird» upon release, now in the Permanent Film and Video Collection of the Museum of Modern Art, NYC; track taken from the 1982 Virgin album «Ice Cream for Crow»

It’s so hot  –  looks like you have three beaks crow
the moon’s so full – white hat on a pumpkin
you know there’s something
the moon was a stone’s throw
stop the show
I need to say hello to the crow
light the fire piano
the moon showed up
and it started to show
tonight there’d be ice cream
ice cream by night  –  sun cream by day
  ice cream for crow
ice cream by night  –  ice cream by day
the sun ain’t stable  –  ice cream for crow
crow pants the scarecrow
crow dance ah ho ho
crow dance ah panther
scare crow you answer
you can hee and haw, laugh and scratch
ha ha ha  –  ha ha ha
boss and toss
don’t shake my hand – give me your claw
two tears in a haystack
scarecrow get back
tonight there’s gonna be a feather treatment
beneath the symbol we’ll all assemble
oh how we’ll fly – oh how we’ll tremble
cut the cake
we’ll all get well
turn up the speakers
hop  flop  squawk
it’s a keeper
ice cream for show – ice cream for crow
now now that’s it
now you can go
♦  Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band  ⇓    ‘Click Clack’  ←

Two trains – Two railroad tracks
One leavin’ ‘n the other one comin’ back
There goes my baby on that ole train
I say come back come back baby come back
Click clack click clack
This time it sound like it’s for keeps
I get down on my knees, with the gravel around
I pray t’ the Lord that ol train will stop
Turn right around – Bring my baby back

Now I had this girl – Threatened to leave me all the time

oh yeah … all the time cryin’
Maybe you had uh girl like this
Threatened ‘n leave me all the time
Threatenin’ t’ go down t’ N’Orleans-uh
‘N get herself lost ‘n found
Maybe you had uh girl like this
She’s always threatenin’ t’ go down t’ N’Orleans
‘N get herself lost ‘n found

Let me play it for yuh

There were two railroad tracks
Click clack click clack
One ah them leavin’-uh
‘N the other one comin’ back
I was two years from yuh baby
You were goin’ way up the tracks
The train was leavin’-uh
I could see yuh wavin’ your handkerchief
∇   ‘I’m Gonna Booglarize You, Baby’   ⇓  [German TV_1972]

The moon was a drip on a dark hood
‘N they were drivin’ around ‘n around
Vital Willy tol’ Weepin’ Milly
I’m gonna booglarize you baby . . .

Milly tol’ Willy come on over t’my house
I’ll slow your machine right down
‘Cause listen Vitals gives me the Willies
Drivin’ around ‘n around . . .

If you keep beatin’ around the bush
You’ll lose your push . . .
Will you be around…

Tush tush
You lose your push  when you beat around…
When you beat around the bush
Bogota boogie…
I’m gonna booglarize you baby . . .

•  Nowadays A Woman’s Gotta Hit A Man  ↑

Men you been lookin’ all around for the women
But they always been right there
Nowadays a woman has to haul off and hit a man
T’ make him know she’s there
Other night a woman came up ‘n hit me
Like I wasn’t even there
Yeah, mmm dawned on me, man
That a man been doin’ a woman unfair

Y’ gotta wait for your woman
Let her know you’re there
I knew I had to go out ‘n tell all of the women
That I knew they were there
Now ev’rywhere I go the women all know that I know
Mmm, there ain’t no other place to go but there
I’m talkin’ about women
Yeah, I’m talkin’ about women, man
They don’t have to hit me
To make me know it’s there
None o’ my women have tears in their eyes
You can ask ‘em about me I swear
‘n they’ll tell you
That’s one man I swear
Yeah that’s a man
‘nuff about tellin’ you this

Mmm, y’ gotta wait for your woman

Let her know you’re there
I knew I had to go out ‘n tell all of the women
That I knew they were there
Now ev’rywhere I go the women all know

That I know

There ain’t no, there ain’t no other place to go but there

I’m talkin’ about women
They don’t have to hit me, man

To make me know it’s there
None o’ my women have tears in their eyes
You can ask ‘em about me I swear

•  Best Batch Yet

We don’t have to suffer, we’re the best batch yet
Baked in special
White flesh waves to black

You might think this is the finest pearl
But it’s only cardboard balls
Seamed in glue
Overwhelming technique
Done t’ diligence
It’s all happening from the inside, you say?
Done from the inside
Where it barely shows on the outside
It’s remarkable

I think this is the best batch yet
We don’t have to suffer, we’re the best batch yet
Baked in special, we’re the best batch yet
White flesh waves to black

You might think this is the finest pearl
But it’s only cardboard balls
Seamed in glue
Overwhelming technique
Done through diligence
It’s all happening from the inside, you say?
Done from the inside
Where it barely shows on the outside
It’s remarkable

I say…
I think this is the best batch yet
We’re baked in special, we’re the best batch yet
We don’t have to suffer, we’re the best batch yet.

•  Dirty Blue Gene

The shiny beast of thought
If you got ears
You gotta listen
Old woman sweat
Young girls glisten
The extract you thought
is the extract you got

Pop in a thought
D’you hear me?

Hope these are hard[?] drops
Grooves you away
Drop by drop
Light by bright
Night by light
There ain’t no good
‘n’ there ain’t no blame
Not hip
Ain’t no aim
You make the fault
You cause the blame
Devil the same
Pop in a thought
Shiny beast of thought
You hang up
Now you’re caught
If you got ears
You gotta listen
Old woman sweat
Young girls glisten
There’s more than what you thought
Pop in a thought
The shiny beast of thought

Stand there bubblin’ like an open cola in the sun
Back is achin’
Work is never done
She’s swinging a sponge on the end of a string
Right on the brink
She spills the ink down the sink
She’s not bad
She’s just genetically mean
She’s not bad
She’s just genetically mean
Don’t you wish you never met her? [x3]
Dirty Blue Gene

She’s swinging a sponge on the end of a string
Don’t you wish you never met her? [x4]
She’s not bad
She’s just genetically mean
Dirty Blue Gene
Dirty [x3]
Dirty Blue Gene

•  Safe As Milk

Well my cigarette died when I washed my face
Dropped some drops in an ashtray hit a wrong place
Woman at my blinds to see spiders spinning lines
Its a safe as milk it’s a safe as milk
I never heard it put quite that way
The shape I’m in is a gone a way
They called a day they called a day
Yesterday’s paper headlines approach rain gutter teasing rusty cat sneezing
Soppin wet hammer dusty and wheezing
Lusty alley whining trashcan blues
Children running after rainbows stocking poor
Gracious ladies nylon hanging on to line
Jumping onto leg looking mighty fine

Sorrows lollipop lands stick-broken on a dark carnival ground
Pop up toaster cracklin
Aluminium rhythm and sound
Ev’ry day pencil lazy and sharp
The icebox inside looking like a harp
E-lectric bulb been out for years
Freezer fumes feed the gas tears
Cheese in the corner with a mile long beard
Bacon blue bread dog eared (repeat twice)
I may be hungry but I sure ain’t weird

•  Flavor Bud Living

•  Bat Chain Puller

Bat chain
Bat chain puller
Puller, puller

A chain with yellow lights
That glistens like oil beads
On its slick smooth trunk
That trails behind on tracks, and thumps
A wing hangs limp and retreats

Bat chain puller
Puller puller

Bulbs shoot from its snoot
And vanish into darkness
It whistles like a root snatched from dry earth
Sodbustin’ rakes with grey dust claws
Announces its coming in the morning
This train with grey tubes
That houses people’s very thoughts and belongings.

Bat chain puller
Puller puller

This train with grey tubes that houses people’s thoughts,
Their very remains and belongings.
A grey cloth patch
Caught with four threads
In the hollow wind of its stacks
Ripples felt fades and grey sparks clacks,
Lunging the cushioned thickets.
Pumpkins span the hills
With orange crayola patches.
Green inflated trees
Balloon up into marshmallow soot
That walks away in forty circles,
Caught in grey blisters
With twinkling lights and green sashes
Pulled by rubber dolphins with gold yawning mouths
That blister and break in agony
In souls of rust
They kill gold sawdust into dust.

Bat chain puller,
Puller puller.

•  Big Eyed Beans From Venus.

Distant cousins, there’s a limited supply.
And we’re down to the dozens, and this is why,
Big Eyed Beans from Venus!
Oh my, oh my.

Boys and girls,
Earth people around the circle,
Mixtures of man alive.
Big eyed beans from Venus,
Don’t let anything get in between us.

Beam in on me baby,
And we’ll beam together
I know we always been together,
But there’s more.

Mister Zoot Horn Rollo, hit that long lunar note,
And let it float.

Men let your wallets flop out,
And women open your purses,
Cause a man or a woman without a big eyed bean from Venus
Is suffering with the worstest of curses
Yeah, you’re suffering, with the worstest of curses.

Put ‘em out in the sun, and when the night come
You don’t have to go out and get ‘em
They’ll glow with you
They’ll go with you
They’ll show with you
Ain’t no losers
Cause they’re on the right track
Cause they’re on the right track
You can be on the right track, woman,
Of course, of course

Ain’t no SNAFU, no fol-de-rol

Check these out, Big eyed beans from Venus
Oh, let a few out, let ‘em pass in between us

Distant cousins, there’s a limited supply.
And we’re down to the dozens, and this is why

Don’t let anything get in between us!
Big eyed beans from Venus
Big eyed beans from Venus.

•→  Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band ← 

♦→ Don Van Vliet  [1997 BBC doc]  ↓ narrated by John Peel

Part  #5  is missing!

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