octubre 2024

Louis Jordan + Big Joe Turner

Effervescent saxophonist Louis Jordan was one of the chief architects and prime progenitors of the R&B idiom. His pioneering use of jumping shuffle rhythms in a small combo context was copied far and wide during the 1940s . . . A heart attack silenced this visionary in 1975, but not before he acted as the bridge between the big band era and the rise of R&B.


I got a gal who’s always late anytime we have a date
But I love her, yes I love her
I’m gonna walk up to her gate – see if I can get it straight
‘Cause I want her, I’m gonna ask her

Is you is or is you ain’t my baby
The way you’re actin’ lately makes me doubt
You’s is still my baby, baby
Seems my flame in your heart’s done gone out

A woman is a creature that has always been strange
Just when you’re sure of one, you find she’s gone and made a change

Is you is or is you ain’t my baby – Maybe baby’s found somebody new
Or is my baby still my baby true

∇   ‘Saturday Night Fish Fry’  ⇓

Now if you’ve ever been down to New Orleans  
Then you can understand just what I mean 
All through the week, it’s quiet as a mouse
But on Saturday night, they go from house to house 
You don’t have to pay the usual admission
If you’re a cook, a waiter or a good musician 
So if you happen to be just passin’ by stop in at the Saturday Night Fish Fry
 It was rockin’, it was rockin’
You never seen such scufflin’ and shufflin’ ‘til the break of dawn . . .
Now my buddy and me was on the main stem, foolin’ around just me and him 
We thought we could use a little something to eat
So we went to a house on Rampart Street 
We knocked on the door and it opened up with ease and a lush little miss said,
«Come in, please» 
Before we could even bat an eye we were right in the middle of a big fish fry 
It was rockin’, it was rockin’
You never seen such scufflin’ and shufflin’ ‘til the break of dawn . . .
Now the folks was havin’ the time of their life and Sam was jivin’ Jimmie’s wife 
And over in the corner was a beat up grand being played by a big fat piano man 
Some of the chicks wore expensive frocks – Some of them had on bobbie socks 
But everybody was nice and high at this particular Saturday Night Fish Fry 
It was rockin’, it was rockin’
You never seen such scufflin’ and shufflin’ ‘til the break of dawn . . .
Now my buddy and me, we fell right in – We hollered: «Let the joy begin!»
We figured this was a good place for play ‘cause the party was already under way.
But all of a sudden the lights went low and everybody made straight for the front door
I didn’t know where I was gonna go so I stood right there and I fell on the floor 
It was rockin’, it was rockin’
You never seen such scufflin’ and shufflin’ ‘til the break of dawn . . .

Now the women were jumpin’ and screamin’ and yellin’ 
The bottles was flyin’ and the fish was smellin’ 
And way up above all the noise they made 
Somebody said, «Better get out of here, this is a raid» 
I didn’t know we was breakin’ the law 
But somebody reached up and hit me on the jaw 
They had us blocked off from the front to the back 
And they was puttin’ ‘em in the wagon like potato sacks 
It was rockin’, it was rockin’
You never seen such scufflin’ and shufflin’ ‘til the break of dawn . . .
I knew that I could get away if I had a chance – 
I was shakin’ like I had the St. Vitus dance 
Now I tried to crawl under a bathtub when the policeman said,
«Come on out from under there, bub?» 
Now they got us out of there like a house afire
Put us all in that Black Maria 
They might have missed a pitiful few
But they got poor me and my buddy too 
It was rockin’, it was rockin’
You never seen such scufflin’ and shufflin’ ‘til the break of dawn . . .
Then they took us to jail in a dazed condition – They booked each one of us on suspicion 
My chick came down and went for my bail and finally got me out of that rotten jail 
Now if you ever want to get a fist in your eye, just mention a Saturday night fish fry 
I don’t care how many fish in the sea but don’t you ever mention a fish to me 
It was rockin’, it was rockin’
You never seen such scufflin’ and shufflin’ ‘til the break of dawn . . .
Give me one of them, their fish sandwiches
Get away from there, boy, yowza
∇   ‘Blue Light Boogie’   ⇓

 They did the boogie real slow with the blue lights way down low . . . 

I went to a party with bobby sock – sat the party I really got a shock
They did the boogie real slow with the blue lights way down low . . .
I started swingin’ – all she did was rockkept on swingin’ – she said now, now listen pop
I like to boogie real slow with the blue lights way down low . . .

I looked around the shades were down – the chicks were in the groove
I didn’t see how those cats could dance when their feet didn’t even move
I started swingin’ – swung my left foot out – kept on swingin’ – I heard somebody shout
You gotta boogie real slow with the blue lights way down low . . .
The house started rockin’ – we really had a time
The house was rockin’ – I nearly lost my mind
I couldn’t boogie real slow with the blue light way down low . . .
The folks kept on knockin’ – They kept on comin’ in
The folks was knockin’  ‘till it was half past ten
They did the boogie real slow with the blue lights way down low . . .

The girls and boys made so much noise – They even had a raid
The only thing those cops could find was ice cream and lemonade
Oh what a party – I should have stayed at home
Oh what a party – I was like a chaperone
I couldn’t boogie real slow with the blue lights way down low
They did the boogie real slow with the blue lights way down low . . .

Δ   ‘Ration Blues’  ↑

Baby baby baby, what’s wrong with Uncle Sam?
He’s cut down on my sugar, now he’s messin’ with my ham
I got the ration blues, blue as I can be
Oh me, I’ve got those ration blues
I got to live on fourty ounces, of any kind of meat
Those forty little ounces gotta last me all the week
I got to cut down on my jelly
It takes sugar to make it sweet
I’m gonna steal all your jelly baby
And rob you of your meat
I got the ration blues, blue as I can be
Oh me, I’ve got those ration blues
I like to wake up in the morning with my jelly by my side
Since rationing started baby, you just take your stuff and hide
They reduced my meat and sugar
And rubber’s disappearing fast
You can’t ride no more with poppa
‘Cause Uncle Sam wants my gas
I got the ration blues, blue as I can be
Oh me, I’ve got those ration blues

Δ    ‘Inflation Blues’  ↑

Now Mr. President – All your congressmen too
You got me frustrated and I don’t know what to do
I’m trying to make a dollar – can’t even save a cent
It takes all of my money just to eat and pay my rent

That’s why I got the blues – Got those inflation blues

I’m not one of those high brows – I’m average Joe to you
I came up eating cornbread, candied yams and chicken stew
Now you take that paper dollar – It’s only that in name
The way that buck has shrunk – It’s a lowdown dirty shame

 I got the blues – Got those inflation blues

Mr. President, please cut the price of sugar – so I can make my coffee sweet
I wanna smear some butter on my bread and I just got to have my meat
When you start rationing – You really played the game
Cause things are going up and up and up and up and my check remains the same

That’s why I got the blues – Got those inflation blues

◊  ‘Buzz Me Baby’  ↓


Φ  Reet, Petite, and Gone (1947)⇒

Reet, Petite, & Gone stars jump-jazz giant Louis Jordan, playing two roles, as Louis Jarvis the band leader, & as Schyler Jarvis his own father in flashbacks to his dad’s youth.

Old-time musical star Schyler Jarvis, now wealthy, is dying; his last act is a visionary plan for the future happiness of his son, swing bandleader Louis Jarvis, and Honey Carter, daughter of his long-lost love. But crooked lawyer Talbot has a nefarious scheme to get his hands on the Jarvis money … and it doesn’t include any happiness for Louis and Honey.











÷            ÷                        ÷            ÷


¤  Big Joe Turner   [1911-1985]

⇒   ‘I ain’t going to be  your lowdown dog no more’  ⇐

I ain’t going to be  your lowdown dog no more
You don’t want me baby : down the road I’ll go

Now I work hard mama : and I brought you home my pay
You say you ain’t going to miss me : when I’m gone away

Ooo : ooo wee
It’s a lowdown shame : the way you treat poor me

My home ain’t here : I ain’t compelled to stay
It’s your time now : but it’ll be mine some sweet day

And I ain’t going to be : your lowdown dog no more
The train is at the station : my mind’s made up to go

Δ   ‘Oke-She-Moke-She-Pop’  ↑  (1955)

Well I’m from the country baby, just blowed into your great big town . . .
Well, I heard about you baby and I know what you’ve been putting down

Well I know you baby, you’re from Oke-She-Moke-She-Pop . . .
Well, it aint no city, just a little old whistle stop

Well, now you remember, please don’t hold me so tight . . .
We standing on the corner and it might not look just right

It’s been a long time, since I carried your books to school . . .
We had a whole lotta fun riding home on grandpa’s mule

Jump into my Roadmaster baby, this time we’re riding in class . . .
We’ll talk all about the future and forget about the past.

•  ‘Boogie Woogie Country Girl’  ↓

She wears loafer shoes, a dungaree, red jacket shirt if you please
My boogie woogie, boogie woogie, boogie woogie country girl
Well I mean what I mean, my boogie woogie country girl

Now she digs that music with a beat – Rock ‘n’ rollin’ is her need
My boogie woogie, boogie woogie, boogie woogie country girl
Well I mean what I mean, my boogie woogie country girl

On Saturday night she comes to town – She plays the jukebox, let her hair hung down
My boogie woogie, boogie woogie, boogie woogie country girl
Well I mean what I mean, my boogie woogie country girl
Let ‘em roll

She digs some cherries, she can milk a cow – Don’t like squares, though daddy taught her how
My boogie woogie, boogie woogie, boogie woogie country girl
Well I mean what I mean, my boogie woogie country girl

She’s up every mornin’ about half past five – She likes to go fishin’ ‘cause it keeps you alive
My boogie woogie, boogie woogie, boogie woogie country girl
Well I mean what I mean, my boogie woogie country girl

Now when she’s dancin’ the kids hang around
They dig my baby ‘cause she really goes to town

My boogie woogie, boogie woogie, boogie woogie country girl
Oh, you dig what I mean, my boogie woogie country girl

Yeah, swing it man, I like a good rockin’ band – Yeah, we need to knock a-knockin’
And I love to rock a-rockin’ – Yeah, my boogie, boogie woogie country girl

Early in the m’ning, yeah – Yeah, come to me mama, hold me in your arms
Boogie woogie, boogie woogie, boogie woogie country girl
Play it man, oh   –  Yeah, rock it

∞   w/  Elmore James   ↓  ‘TV Mama’  [1953]

“I was in my bed a’sleepin’, oh-boy, what a dream
I was in my bed sleepin’, oh-boy, what a dream
I was dreamin’ ’bout my TV Mama, the one with the big, wide screen
She got great big eyes and little bitty feet and in the waist, she’s so nice and neat
She’s my TV Mama, one with the big, wide screen
Every time she loves me, man, she makes me scream
She just taste like candy, boys, I really go for sweets,
I love her from her head down to her little bitty feet
Yeah, she’s my TV Mama, one with the big, wide screen
Every time she loves me, oh yes, I’m bound to scream
I’m just kind-a rollin’, tumblin’, talkin’ all out of my head
Well just I’m rollin’ and tumblin’, man, I’m talkin’ all out of my head
And when my baby shook me, man, I fell right out of bed.”
TV mama

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