octubre 2024

Delexical verbs

¤   Markéta Guňková:   Why teach delexical verbs?

(1) frequency: Delexical verbs are common structure in English, either in everyday conversations (have a drink, give a call, take a break) or in academic English (make a contribution, give a speech, do research).

(2) fluency: delexical structures contribute to the impression of fluency in English given by non-native speakers (Sinclair, 1990).

Hill (2000, p.54) explains that native speakers are fluent and able to speak relatively fast: “because they are calling on a vast repertoire of ready-made language in their mental lexicons.” (p.54) And the same holds for listening and reading comprehension where prefabcs save processing time.

(3) collocational competence: Thus the ability to store and retrieve the chunks of language may be defined in terms of collocational competence. Hill (1994, p.4) is an advocate of this particular competence and see the main learning load for language users are thousands of medium-strong collocations which constitute the most part of what we say. He observes that intermediate students know a lot of isolated words, but are not able to recognize them as chunks (e.g. hold a conversation) and hence their collocational competence is low. They fail to recognize these chunks of language.

(4) insufficient input in ELT materials: It is again Jimmie Hill (1999, p.5) who pointed out that indeed, there is huge amount of published material aimed at teaching fluency, however, it mainly deals with getting students talking without providing authentic material and especially chunks for students to draw on.

(5) L2 learner avoid them: Thus the last reason why it is worth teaching and dealing with that is was proved by many studies that L2 learner avoid at all, underuse or misuse (Howard, 1996) delexical structures, and rely on clumsier single words. Having examined learners‟ essays, Juknevičiené (2008, p.123) claims that native speaker students produce twice as many collocation with delexical verbs as the non-native learners. And Altenberg and Granger (2001) claims that result show that “EFL learners, even at an advanced proficiency level, have great difficulty with high-frequency verb such as MAKE.” (p.189). And when students avoid them, they run the risk of sounding stilted, for example: I would like to bathe. (instead of take a bath)” (Lock, 2005,p. 81)


   delexical verbs      ∞   Verb+noun collocations:  
♣  Advanced practice … ⇒DELEXICAL VERBS ←

♣ For lower-level learners, click on the  →British Council←  link.  You’ll find lots of examples: ‘have’ – ‘take’ – ‘make’ –‘give’ – ‘go’ – ‘do’.   And an amusing game as a bonus!

•→ Collocations with ‘TAKE’ ⇐(intermediate)

  ♣ Intermediate practice ⇒FIVE delexical verbs ←

Φ  Quizzes  . . .   ⇒[01] ⇔ [02] ⇔ [03] [04] ⇔ [05] [06][07]

¤  Delexical verbs   [collocations]

Despite the fact that the delexical verbs are actually very common verbs, there are not many of them. The most common and productive delexical verbs are:

  ⇒  ‘have’, ‘take’, ‘make’, ‘give’, ‘do’ & ‘go’  


collocations & BNC examples

We lived near a place that gave over-night accommodation to tramps.  
This gives e-mail users another major advantage.
I hoped the midwife would be able to give me some advice.  
Did I give the right answer?
I have to give my approval before you lay your hands on a penny of it
I‟ve promised to give you my assistance, and my support.
Can the Minister give any assurances on that point?

give accommodation   –  to accommodate

give sb an advantage   –   to advantage

give advice   –   to advise

give an answer   –   to answer

give (one’s) approval   –   to approve of

give assistance   –   to assist

give an assurance   –   to assure

Philip himself had avoided giving battle to the English.  
He was given a merciless beating.
Even so-called non-venomous snakes can give bites.  
A deal that gave boost to the price of gold.
He gave a mock bow, laughed and left the cell.  
Come on, give that nose a good blow.

give battle   –   to battle

give a beating   –   to beat

give a bite   –   to bite

give a boost   –   to boost

give a bow   –   to bow

give a blow   –   to blow

I’ll give her a call and find out.
give her a clap and turn round.
He gave cry of pain.
Siemens AG was able to give little cheer to shareholders.  
Snip the fronds off the top of the fennel, give them a rough chop, and set aside for garnish.
Merry gave a little chuckle as Shannon rolled her eyes heavenwards.
I had already begun to give serious consideration to the possibility of doing away with Dennis.
Stuart gave a little embarrassed cough.
They also learn how to watch, listen, and give constructive criticism.
Give mummy a cuddle.

give a call   –   to call

give a clap   –   to clap

give a cry   –  to cry

give cheer   –   to cheer

give a chop   –   to chop

give a chuckle   –   to chuckle

give consideration   –   to consider

give a cough   –   to cough

give criticism   –   to criticise

give a cuddle   –   to cuddle

You should be able to give your own definition.

Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.

Always try to give a practical demonstration of how to use the programme.

They have to give a written description of the waste to the collectors

give a definition   –   to define

give delight   –   to delight

give a demonstration   –   to demonstrate

give a description   –   to describe

They gave him no encouragement.  
Mr Clarke had given no satisfactory explanation for his precipitate action.

give sb  encouragement   –   to encourage

give an explanation   –   to explain

The candle she carried gave one last flicker – and expired.
give a flicker   –   to flicker
She gave a little gasp of incredulous horror.  
She gave a brief glance at the screen.
She gave a tiny giggle as a little dollop of cream adhered to the tip of her nose. 
She suddenly gave a loud groan as everything slid back into place.
He gave them a huge grin and blew them a kiss. 
The animal gave a final grunt and expelled whatever it had to expel.
give a gasp   –   to gasp
give a glance   –   to glance
give a giggle   –   to giggle
give a groan   –   to groan
give a grin  –   to grin
give grunt   –   to grunt
This bank wouldn’t give him any help.  
The following examples should give hints as to how this result may be obtained.  
I could only give a strangled hiss.
The wolf creature gave howl of triumph.  
Alex gave her a big hug.
give help   –   to help
give a hint  –  to hint
give hiss  –   to hiss
give a howl  –   to howl
give a hug   –   to hug
The records do not give a clear indication of how far treatment was effective.
I should be grateful if he could give me any further information.
Let me give two illustrations that might unpack this a little more.  
The stories which gave inspiration to medieval balladeers.
He gave them his last instructions.
give an indication   –   to indicate
give information   –   to inform
give an illustration  –   to illustrate
give an inspiration   –   to inspire
give instruction   –   to instruct
Anya produces a rusty mortice-key, struggles with a lock and gives the door a kick that finally opens it.
She gave the children a goodnight kiss and put them to bed.  
Give us a knock when you’re finished here.
give a kick   –   to kick
give a kiss   –   to kiss
give a knock   –   to knock
Luke gave another short laugh.  
The first lecture was given in mid-January.  
Caroline gave him a cool look
give a laugh  –   to laugh
give a lecture  –   to lecture
give a look   –   to look
It is possible to give yourself a massage at home.
He gave a low moan of despair.
give a massage  –   to massage
give a moan  –   to moan
Lever gave a small nod of satisfaction.  
He might give fate a nudge and make it happen.
give a nod   –  to nod
give sb a nudge   –   to nudge
Back in his office he is used to giving orders.  
And this gives you an outline of what we do

give an order   –   to order give an outline   –   to outline

Overall Haslemere gave their best performance ever
I dust the tops of the cupboards or I give the wardrobe a polish.
He gave high praise to the biography of a French priest
Members were given preference initially, but new bookings are open to everyone.
If your dog seems keen to linger, give a gentle pull on the choke chain
He chuckled and she gave him a light punch on the shoulder. 
Thacker gave her a push towards the door.

give a performance   –   to perform

give a polish  –  to polish

give praise   –   to praise

give preference   –   to prefer

give sth a pull   –   to pull

give a punch   –   to punch

give a push   –   to push

After the verdict, Mr Smith gave his reaction to the verdict.
Other children will be giving readings and there will be a solo singer.
Delegates also refused to give official recognition to existing black sections.
He gave no reply.
The independent groups gave more detailed reports.
‘I know that,’ she gave the formal response.
I will even give you a little reward.
Can you give me a ride back to Mrs Lorimer’s ?
I’ll give you a ring tomorrow.  
He gave roar of rage when his mother pulled him back.

give a reaction  –   to react

give a reading  –   to read

give a recognition   –   to recognize

give a reply   –   to reply

give a report  –   to report

give a response   –   to respond

give a reward   –   to reward

give a ride   –   to ride

give a ring   –   to ring

give a roar  –   to roar

She gave him a mock salute
The mushers kiss their dogs and give them a friendly scratch
Oliver gave a high scream.  
Give it a good shake.
Just give me a shout if you want any more. 
She gave a small shiver.  
That gave me a big shock.
All his young friends gave shout of laughter.  
After that he gave her a good shove
She gave a little shriek of surprise.
She gave a tiny shrug.  
She gave a long sigh of relief.
She gave slap and I gave her one back.  
She gave them a warm smile.  
Mr Haynes gave another snort of disgust. 
This gives the optimal solution.  
Henry was asked to give a short speech
The Headmaster gave him a cold stare
She gave a final stir to the enormous pot. 
Give him a gentle stroke.  
He gave it a full swing of the bat.

give a salute  –   to salute

give a scratch  –   to scratch

give a scream  –  to scream

give sth a shake  –   to shake

give a shout  –   to shout

give a shiver  –  to shiver

give a shock   –   to shock

give a shout –  to shout

give sb a shove  –   to shove

give a shriek   –   to shriek

give a shrug  –   to shrug

give a sigh  –  to sigh

give a slap   –  to slap

give a smile  –   to smile

give a snort   –   to snort

give a solution   –   to solve

give a speech   –   to speak

give a stare   –   to stare

give sth a stir  –   to stir

give a stroke   –   to stroke

give sth a swing   –   to swing

Nigel Lockley gave a short talk on the work of his department. 
It would give you a thrill to hear all the tales
Having folded your used nappy, you simply insert it into the tub. Then give it a short twist.
I guess I could give it a try.  
She gave another tug at her hand.

give a talk   –   to talk

give a thrill   –   to thrill

give sth a twist  –  to twist

give a try  –  to try

give sth a tug   –  to tug

If you are given a written warning, you may be asked to sign a copy to acknowledge receipt.

The team were given a warm welcome in all the places we worked.

You wait until they‟re looking your way and then give whistle or call.

She fixed me with a big smile and gave a flirtatious wink.

I’ll have to give this floor a wipe again.

give a warning  –  to warn

give a welcome   –  to welcome

give a whistle  –  to whistle

give a wink  –  to wink

give sth a wipe  –  to wipe

Melissa gave a deep yawn.  
Well, give us a yell if you want you want a drink or anything.

give a yawn   –   to yawn

give a yell   –  to yell


have an admiration   –   to admire

have an argument   –   to argue

have aspirations   –   to aspire

The Dean has great admiration for these senior soldiers. 
They had had a passionate argument last night
He had never had any aspirations to enter politics.

have a bath   –   to bathe

have a belief   –   to believe

have a bite   –   to bite

have a break   –   to break

Look, why not have a quick bath?  
have a firm belief in transcendental power
I haven’t had bite since this morning.  
So we’ll have a coffee break

have a care   –   to care

have a chat   –   to chat

have a confrontation   –   to confront

have a conversation   –   to converse

have a cry   –   to cry

As a friend, let me ask you to have care for yourself as well.
You and I should have a little chat.  
Woodrow Wilson would have confrontations with them
Why are we having this stupid conversation?  
Leonora had a good cry

have a dance   –   to dance

have a desire   –   to desire

have a disagreement   –   to disagree

have a discussion  –  to discuss
have a dislike (for)   –  to dislike
have a dispute   –  to dispute
have doubt(s)   –  to doubt
have a dread   –  to dread
have a dream   –  to dream
have a drink   –  to drink
have a drive   –  to drive
Shall we have another dance?  
She had no desire to open it
Shearman and Pateman had a major disagreement over a question of loyalty to the WEA.
I thought we were to have a private discussion about Aschmann.
From an early age she had a strong dislike for conventional aristocratic “society”
Macari had major disputes with players.  
She had no doubt that she could go on forever
He had a dread of blindness.  
He had a recurring dream
Let’s have a farewell drink together.
We have a long drive ahead of us
have a fall  –  to fall
have a feeling   –  to feel
have a fight    –   to figh
have a fright   –   to be frightened
He had a bad fall yesterday and damaged his ankle.    
I too have a feeling that Leeds may finally win
The Huysan twins had been having a mashed- potato fight with school spoons
But as it rushed up the side of the church steeple Carol had a fright
have a get-together    –   to get together
have a gossip   –   to gossip
have a grudge   –  to grudge
have a guess   –  to guess
The girls I trained with occasionally have a get- together.  
Let you two have a good old gossip. Bye!
She certainly had a grudge against me. 
You could have a guess at it
have an impact  –  to impact
have an intention  –  to intend
The world‟s major mining operations are having a disastrous impact on the environment.  
She had no such intention
have a joke  –  to joke
I was only having a joke! I’m sorry I opened my mouth.
have a laugh   –   to laugh
have a lie-down    –   to lie down
have a listen   –   to listen
have a longing for   –   to long (for)
have a look    –   to look
have a loss  –  to lose
We had a good laugh together.  
I had to have a lie-down.  
OK, let‟s have a listen to his chest.  
I have an inexpressible longing to write another opera.
Let’s have a look at a practical example now.  
Whether or not they have any loss of hearing
have a nap   –  to nap
have a need   –  to need
I think I ought to have a little nap.  
We don’t have a great need for lawyers
have an objection    –   to object
I have no particular objection to the name John.
have a peek   –   to peek
have a peep   –   to peep
have a puff   –  to puff
I had a quick peek into the kitchen but it was empty.
Have a peep through a viewing glass. 
So he had a few puffs before he grabbed her.
have a quarrel   –   to quarrel
I had no quarrel with them.
have a read  –  to read
have respect  –  to respect
have a rest   –   to rest
have a rethink   –   to rethink
have a run   –   to run
have a ride   –   to ride
I’m having a quick read through this. 
They have a lot of respect for the women who are working against male violence.  
But still, you had a good rest, didn’t you?  
I told him to take a break and have a rethink about the rest of the meeting.
You can just have a run round the house and then ring me back.  
We have a long ride ahead of us tomorrow.
have a shave  –  to shave
have a shower  –   to shower
have a sleep   –   to sleep
have a smoke   –   to smoke
have a snooze   –   to snooze
have a struggle   –   to struggle
have a suspicion   –   to suspect 
have a swim  –  to swim
have sympathy   –  to sympathise
Have you had a shave yet?  
I’m going to have a very quick shower
I’ve had a lovely sleep.  
If I don’t have a smoke I’ll crack.  
Have you had a little snooze?  
She is still having struggle to master Welsh. 
She had a strong suspicion that he did not trust her.
We had a nice swim for half an hour or so.  
They had great sympathy for the flood victims.

have a tendency   –  to tend

have a talk   –  to talk

have a think   –  to think

have a try   –  to try

Children have a natural tendency to be good.  
Go and have a good talk with our social worker.  
Have think about it.  
Can I have try?

have wait  –  to wait

have a walk   –   to walk

have a wash   –   to wash

We had a long wait, because it was necessary to fill up the tank with water.
They had a long walk over the moor.  
We managed to unpack, have a quick wash and change.


The accusations were made by a self- confessed former Communist agent.
Bridget liked to make minute adjustments each time she reviewed it.
There were many writers before Leapor who had made a similar affirmation. 
Sometimes, clients make various private agreements
It is unkind to make allusions to a person‟s physical defects.
It makes a detailed analysis of the firm‟s earnings.
I have one last announcement to make.
The unusual appeal was made yesterday by police who have reopened the case.
The Baroque had already made an appearance in Prague before 1620.
They are usually brought in and remain there unless some application is made. 
No apology was officially made.  
Shall we make another appointment?
Special arrangements can be made for disabled students.
These assertions are made on the basis of research in modern ethology.
Many attempts have been made to define safe or unsafe drinking levels.

make an accusation   –   to accuse

make adjustments   –   to adjust

make an affirmation   –   to affirm

make an agreement   –   to agree

make an allusion   –   to allude

make an analysis   –   to analyse

make an announcement   –   to announce

make an appeal (to)  –  to appeal

make appearance   –   to appear

make an application   –   to apply

make an apology   –   to apologize

make an appointment   –   to appoint

make arrangements  –  to arrange

make an assertion  –  to assert

make an attempt  –  to attempt

It’s the time when the autobiographies get written, the last boasts are made. 
We hope they will make serious bids for international success.  
Call to make your booking
So we can make a major breakthrough here. 

make a boast  –  to boast

make a bid   –   to bid

make a booking   –   to book

make a breakthrough    –   to break through

We are equipped to make mental calculations of risk and odds
Castro would make only gradual changes.  
History has shown that he made the right choice.
How could two reputable scientists make such a claim.  
Do you want to make any comment on that? 
That will enable consumers to make direct comparisons between labels.
How dare you make complaints against us.  
I have a confession to make.  
Her simple, dusty clothes made sharp contrast with the rich fabrics around her.
This archive will make a significant contribution to a number of debates.  
He was only making polite conversation.
The greatest criticism which reviewers made of the early drafts of the book was that it lacked cohesiveness.
make a calculation   –   to calculate
make a change   –   to change
make a choice   –   to choose
make a claim  –  to claim
make a comment   –   to comment
make comparison   –   to compare
make a complaint   –   to complain
make a confession   –   to confess
make contrast   –  to contrast
make a contribution   –   to contribute
make conversation   –   to converse
make a criticism   –   to criticise
I slid out the door and made a dash for the lift. 
The board is expected to make a final decision in June.
The buyer need not make payment until delivery is made.  
It makes considerable demands on the reader
It certainly made a big difference.  
But to answer it, I must make a considerable digression.
Green activists made some chilling discoveries when they went looking for environmentally friendly fridges.
It is important to make a clear distinction between Porter’s use of the term „cos-drivers‟ and that of Kaplan (1988).
We invite people to make a donation to the Amsterdam fund.
make a dash (for)   –   to dash
make a decision   –   to decide
make a delivery   –   to deliver
make a demand   –   to demand
make a difference   –   to differ
make digressions   –   to digress
make a discovery   –   to discover
make a distinction   –   to distinct
make a donation   –   to donate
We would make every endeavour not to restrict access to your shop.
But one can make a rough estimate.  
He turned quickly to the door and made his escape.
make an endeavour   –   to endeavour
make an estimate   –   to estimate
make one’s escape   –   to escape
We can, however, make a few generalizations.
I’ll make another guess and you can tell me whether I’m right.
make generalizations   –   to generalize
make a guess   –   to guess
He was particularly anxious to make a good impression. 
We have made several improvements. 
I have asked the police to make inquiries.
The university made a significant investment to improve the quality and appearance of the Prospectus

make an impression  –  to impress

make improvement   –   to improve

make an inquiry   –   to inquire

make an investment   –   to invest

I’ve already made list of the questions.

 make a list         –         to list 

They made no mention of homage.  
You are making mockery.  
Alan made no move to help her.

make a mention of    –   to mention

make a mockery  –  to mock

make a move   –   to move

In your editorial you make many observations.  

Ferrari made a generous offer for the following season.

make observations   –   to observe

make an offer   –   to offer

De Lorean has failed to make several payments on time.  
I haven‟t made any plans yet.  
I just want to make a private call.  
He was alleged to have made huge profits from drug trafficking.  
Liz is beginning to make very good progress.  
I can‟t make any promises.  
After much discussion three proposals were made.  
He urged the Government to make the strongest protests

make payment   –   to pay

make a plan   –   to plan

make a (telephone) call   –   to call

make a profit   –   to profit

make progress   –   to progress

make a promise   –   to promise

make a proposal   –   to propose

make a protest   –   to protest

Detailed recommendations are made about the amount and kind of training.
My aim is to make a photographic record of these countries.
It was a further miracle that the child has made a full recovery from the injuries.
Throughout his work Charles Dickens made several references to Guinness.
I  have to make two remarks. 
He made a similar reply to another member.  
Could I make a very special request?
Reservations should be made at least 24 hours in advance.

make a recommendation   –   to recommend

make a record  –   to record

make a recovery  –  to recover

make reference   –   to refer

make a remark   –   to remark

make a reply   –   to reply

make a request   –   to request

make a reservation  –  to reserve

After that we made a thorough search of the chapel
I looked at Uncle Hamish, who was making quiet signals that I should clasp my hands.  
It was a chance to make a new start.
the government has made some strong statements about the importance of the family.
On May 13 the Pope made a brief stop at the Carribbean island of Curacao
A similar suggestion was made a few years later.  
Geophysical surveys have been made of saltern mounds on the Lincolnshire coast.

make a search   –   to search

make a signal   –   to signal

make a start   –   to start

make a statement   –   to state

make a stop  –  to stop

make a suggestion  –  to suggest

make a survey   –   to survey

The clinic staff make weekly visits to every slum home.

She made a public vow to continue working for her charities.

make a visit (to)   –   to visit

make a vow   –   to vow

He had been ordered to make a tactical withdrawal.
You can make any wish and it will be granted

make a withdrawal   –   to withdraw

make a wish  –  to wish


They believe this action must be taken to prevent widespread destruction of wildlife
But the gunman suddenly turned round, took careful aim and shot Jamie.  
It means taking an innovative approach to business

take action  –  to act

take aim  –  to aim

take an approach  –  to approach

When a woman had taken her ritual bath.  
She smiled modestly, and took another bite of chocolate biscuit.
De Sade, take bow, your public awaits you.  
Take short but regular breaks.

take a bath  –  to bathe

take a bite   –   to bite

take a bow   –   to bow

take a break   –   to break

We’ll take care of the twins.

take care   –   to care

take great delight in reading it.  
Have a word with your Mazda dealer and take a test drive down memory lane.

take a delight in    –   to delight

take a drive   –   to drive

He looked pleased, took a quick glance at his watch, and said, «Let’s drink to that.‟

take a glance   –   to glance

Without the slightest hesitation, he took two hops to the water
take a hop  –   to hop
A Cun walked over to take a closer look at the two travellers.
take a look  –   to look
An alternative is to take a short nap before the meeting
His colleague, sitting on the far side of the room taking written notes of the questions and answers, looked up
No one had taken any notice of him.
take a nap   –   to nap
take notes   –   to note
take notice   –   to notice
Oxford children have been taking peek behind the scenes at Saisburys today.  
We take peep through some extraordinary keyholes
It was the last photo took of him.  
Schemes to encourage smokers to take their final puff on national No Smoking
take a peek   –   to peek
take a peep at    –   to peep
take a photo   –   to photographtake a puff  –   to puff
Day he had taken ten days’ rest.  The Japanese took brutal revenge afterwards
Take a camel ride up the slopes or a coach tour around the summit
He isn’t going to take foolish risks
Take a quick run around outfield, then stretch the shoulders, (COCA)
take a rest  –   to rest
take revenge  –  to revenge
take a ride  –  to ride
take a risk   –   to risk
take a run  –   to run
In the morning, when you get up, take a cold shower. 
She took a few sips of the hot coffee.
when the giants were taking their midday snooze
Guido tossed the screwdriver aside, and, still watching her closely, took step towards her. 
Angela took her usual stroll through a farmer’s field
take a shower   –   to shower
take a sip   –   to sip
take a snooze   –   to snooze
take a step   –   to step
take a stroll  –   to stroll
I lost my balance, got my foot caught in the tree root, took tumble and twisted my ankle.
take a tumble   –   to tumble
You can take vote, or you can argue it out, until you come to some kind of consensus
take a vote on   –   to vote on
They often took long walks together.  
“You better take wash, Jake,” Luke said.(COCA)

take a walk   –   to walk

take a wash   –   to wash


Apart from the examples mentioned above, which frequently recur in various sources, there are other verbs which adopt the same structure (e.g. pay a visit, throw a glance…):

be in a dash / a hurry  /  the lead  /  a muddle / a rage / a rush

be on the move / the run  /  the wane

bear  relation to / a resemblance / witness

cast  light / a shadow / doubt / an eye / a glance / a spell

catch  a cold  /  fire

deliver a performance / a speech / a lecture / a verdict

drop  a hint

draw a comparison  / a conclusion  / a distinction

get  a chance  /  a look  / permission  /  a surprise

heave  a sigh

hold  belief  / a conversation / a discussion  / an exhibition  / (long) talks  / view

keep  control  / record / track  /  a watch

lay  a claim  / emphasis  /  stress  / blame

pay  a call /compliments / heed  / (your) respects  / a visit

place  demands  / emphasis  / a restriction

put  the blame / pressure  / a stop

raise  awareness / an objection  / a claim / doubt

run  a risk

set  a limit / the scene / standards / a (good) example / a deadline

throw  a doubt  /  a challenge  /  a glance  /  a smile  /  suspicion  /  a punch

do+ing do the cleaning – do the cooking –  do the decorating – do drawing – do the drying – do the gardening – do the hovering – do the ironing – do the knitting  – do the painting – do the sewing – do the shopping

do+(a)+noun do damage – do a deal – do an exercise – do a dance – do a dive – do harm – do (someone) injury – do imitation – do an operation – do a report on – do  research – do a search – do sculpture – do a somersault – do sprint – do a swap – do translation – do work – do wrong – do a wash

Go for it

“GO + -ING” go boating – go camping – go climbing – go cycling – go fishing – go sailing – go shooting – go shopping – go skating – go skiing – go snorkelling – go swimming – go walking – go hiking – go hunting – go jogging — go riding – go running

“GO + FOR + A” go for a chat – go for a jog – go for a ramble – go for a ride – go for a row – go for a run – go for a smoke – go for a spin – go for a stroll – go for a swim – go for a walk

have   (UK)   ∞   take   (US)

have a bath   –   take a bath

have a bite   –  take a bite

have a break   –  take a break

have a drink   –  take a drink

have a feel   –  take a feel

have a guess   –  take a guess

have a holiday   –  take a vacation

have a jog   –  take a jog

have a look   –  take a look

have a paddle   –  take a paddle

have a peep   –  take a peep

have a puff   –  take a puff

have a rest   –  take a rest

have a shave   –    take a shave

have a shower   –  take a shower

have a sip   –    take a sip

have a sleep    –  take a sleep

have a smell   –  take a smell

have a sniff   –  take a sniff

have a stroll   –  take a stroll

have a swim   –  take a swim

have a taste   –  take a taste

have a walk   –  take a walk

have a wash   –  take a wash

[Masaryk University]

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