enero 2025

al-‘alam al-‘arabi العالم العربي‎

ليش نتعارك؟    Leysh Nat’Arak  .  .  .

(English: «Why Are We Fighting») is a song performed by Belgian singer Natacha Atlas. The song was written by Atlas, Count Dubulah, Hamid ManTu and Attiah Ahlan and produced by Transglobal Underground for the Atlas’ debut album Diaspora (1995).

«Leysh Nat’ Arak» was inspired by ethnic and religious conflicts in Israel, Palestine, Iraq, and Yugoslavia. Written in Arabic, the song calls for peace and unity between Jews, Muslims, and Christians in the Middle East. Furthermore, it addresses Atlas’ yearning to understand how and why her family emigrated from the Middle East to Belgium.

The video  has an ancient Egyptian motif and Natacha is done up like Cleopatra. Intermingled with the video, is film footage surrounding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in which Egypt was also heavily embroiled during the 60s and 70s.

Nat_Atليش نتعارك ونحن كلنا سوا
ليش نتعارك ونحن كلنا سوا
اسمع قلبك بتعرف الحقيقة
اسمع قلبك هو يعرف الحقيقة
بيني وبينك ايام طويلة
ليش نتعارك ونحن كلنا سوا

في المحبة فيه السلام
اسمع قلبك بتعرف الحقيقة
في السلام فيه محبة
اسمع قلبك هو يعرف الحقيقة
يلله نتصالح احنا اخوا
ما رحمة ما بركة الله

يلله نرجع للسلام
بيني وبينك ايام طويلة
يلله نرجع للمحبة
بيني وبينك ايام طويلة

ما رحمة الله
يلله نتصالح احنا اخوا
ويرحم الله ويبارك

leysh nat’arak ounahna koulna sawa  ↑  leysh nat’arak ounahna koulna sawa
ismar albek, bi t’ralef fil haia  –  ismar albec, bi t’ralef fil haia
bini ou binek, aya tawila
leysh nat’arak, ounahna koulna sawa – leysh nat’arak, ounahna koulna sawa . . .
ismar albec, bi t’ralef fil haia  –  bini ou binek, aya tawila
leysh nat’arak, ounahna koulna sawa…
fi l’mahaba fi salaam  – ismar albec, bi t’ralef fil haia
fi salaam fi l’mahaba…
ismar albec, ou ou t’ralef bi l’haia
yalla nat’salih irna irwaa
mara lahma mi baraka
leysh nat’arak, ounahna koulna sawa  –  leysh nat’arak, ounahna koulna sawa
ismar albec, bi t’ralef fil haia  –  ismar albec, ou y’arlef al haia
bini ou binek, aya tawila
leysh nat’arak, ounahna koulna sawa
yalla narga li salaam
bini ou binek, aya tawila
ma lahmat allah
anatsalih t’arna irwa
wi alham allah wi barek
leysh nat’arak, ounahna koulna sawa . . .

L_N_AWhy are we fighting when we are all together ? ?  
Listen to you heart and you will know the truth
Listen to your heart for it knows the truth
Between us there is a long history  –  Why are we fighting when we are all together?
In love there is peace   (Listen to your heart and you will know the truth)
In peace there is love    (Listen to your heart for it knows the truth)
Let’s make good for we are brothers  –  How great is the mercy and blessing of God
Let’s return to peace   (Between us there is a long history)
Let’s return to love   (Between us there is a long history)
How merciful God is  –  Let’s make good for we are brothers
God bless and have mercy
∇   ‘Egypt: Rise to Freedom’  ⇓  by Basha Beats & Natacha Atlas


< Mubarak : “My fellow citizens..A fine line lies between freedom…and chaos.” >

<Natacha :  Let us stand together and awaken , Let us question, learn and study;
Listen, understand and think. Permit us to know – Permit us to know freedom.
Let us know there is a land where words are the purveyors of truth,
heads are held high and human will is regarded above all.
Where the world is not split into a thousand fragments, under siege, forgotten, or lost >
∇    Etheric Messages   ⇓   Maktub مكتوب


◊  Agib  ↓

Oh the one with a strange heart – no matter how long you go away and be absent my heart says to you
«Oh my beloved» don’t want to wake up without you – tell me when you are away from me
oh my beloved oh dear, come closer to me
i wish  you next to me  cause you’re my soul, my heart and life
my beloved, life is sweet with you – you’re in it, the most beautiful song 
i want to see you,every second . . .
Oh the one with a strange heart . . .

ya bou alb agib  –  mahma t’rouh, t’rouh, wo taghib . . .
albi i’oul lek ya habibi  –  dah min ghirek da ma ifiq . . .
‘oul li wenta rah ila ani  –  ya habibi arrab minni …

nefsi achoufek, achoufek gami  –  dah enta ya rohi albi, wo omri . . .

ya bou… ya bou… alb agib…
ya habibi, ed-dounya mak helwa  –  denta, fiha, alha ghenoua …
nefsi, achoufek, koulli sania  –  ya… ya… bou alb agib …
ya bou alb agib  –  mahma t’rouh, t’rouh, wo taghib …
alb i’oul lek ya habibi  –  dah min ghirek da ma ifiq …
‘oul li wenta rah ila ani  –  ya habibi arrab minni …

nefsi achoufek, achoufek gami  –  dah enta ya rohi albi, wo omri . . .

ya… bou… alb agib…   ya… bou… alb agib…    … ya… ya… bou alb agib…

◊ → ‘When I Close my Eyes’  ↓  [feat. Myra Boyle]

In a beautiful dream I’ve seen him – And in a dark night I saw the light for the first time
My heart misses you but I can’t go and see you – I became afraid of people’s talk
Now I left the house and I’m waiting – How could I send you a «hello» one day
◊→  Adam’s Lullaby  ↓

Aysh ya ebn Adam aysh . . .
Aysh – Ya ebne – Ya ebne Adam aysh
Is monee ebne Adam aysh
Ya Adam – Ya Adam – Ya ebne Adam aysh . . .

Aysh ya ebn Adam aysh . . .
We camen mona tunya aysh
Aysh – Aysh – Ya Adam – Ya ebn Adam aysh . . .
Aysh – Aysh – Aysh – oh oh, oo oo . . .

•→ Jah Wobble’s Invaders of the Heart:  ‘Yalili Ya Aini’

¤→ Ghalia Benali sings Om Kalthoum – Espace Magh – 22 oct 2010G_Benali

Ghalia Benali‘s fluid voice and compositions absorb a full circle of wide influences from Arabic folk and jazz traditions to contemporary chillout and Indian Classical music. Always surprising and restless by nature, Ghalia seems to shift seamlessly between genres and cultural traditions with an individuality devoid of fears. She uses classical Arab language, the language of alchemy, where a word reveals its numerous sides while being performed and interpreted to perfection by this great singer. 

♦  2013 – Cairo’s betrayal ↓ غالية بنعلي/ يوم سحلت القاهرة

•→ Cabourg2 ⇐  
♦   Ghalia Benali ↓ «Lamouni li gharou minni»
The ones who are jealous of me blamed me and said to me «what do you like about her?»
I answered the ones who were ignorant of my art, ‘Take my eyes and look with them’
This girl that that you were all jealous of and you wanted me to forget her
I can’t ever leave here – I am like a fish in her water . . . 

Lamouni li rarou mini  –  Alou li wash aajhbak fiha . . .
Jaou bteli jahlou fani  –  Houdou eini shoufou bina

Ana fi eineha adem  –  Wheya fi einaya hawaa . . .
Alou li alash taashak hadem  –  Oultilwhom yzou min douwa
Samra wrani aliha lalam  –  Wilalam kolo shahiha …

Lamouni li rarou mini – Alou li wash aajhbak fiha . . .
Jaou bteli jahlou fani – Houdou eini shoufou bina …
•→  Ghalia Benali & Timnaa:  ‘Tiflatan Arabiyan’  [Wild Harissa_2001]
I have lost my heart to an Arab girl whose jewels are the beauty of the world
Her eyes would make the most abstinent and pious priest fall in love at first sight and sigh of love all his life
As though he had never known any other love – As though he had never fasted or prayed …
[Text is of classical Jordanian origin  . . . ]
•→ awaddu  (‘I would love to..’)  غالية بن علي – أودّ ⇐[Wild Harissa_2001]
«…two souls meeting beyond the bounds of religious faith. Love bridges the gulf.»  _  G.B.
◊→ Ghalia Benali & Timnaa  ↓ ‘Luiza’   [Wild Harissa_2001]

«I was humming this wedding song that I had recently learned in Tunisia, and suddenly Reinhardt (Vanbergen) started to play a similar melody. He told me it was from Iran. Once again, music had crossed the borders of a culture or a country. The instrumental part of Luiza is from Iran, but the song is Tunisian. My friend Sadri (Pacha Sioud) adapted the amusing text to fit the spirit of our times…»  G.B.

– Translation:

I am asked to give two Louis – Where shall I get two Louis?  (My beloved is worth more) And she is in Paris
I am asked to give love and muscles – Where shall I get love and muscles? My beloved is in Brussels
I am asked to give ribanet  (=jewelry) – Where shall I get ribanet?
And my beloved is the Internet.
♦  ‘Tarhana’ ↓ ft. Ghalia Benali, Theodosii Spassov & Valentina Lacmanovic  [2009]

•  w/ Nara Noïan → Karama – La Désorientée [«Oriental Express»]


إليس  Elissa  ↓ «Ahla Dounya»
ehtart ashki wala ahky wala abky men farhety
men shoo’i lik ya habiby bad’i tkoon fi yoom men esmeti
ehtart ashki wala ahky wala abky men farhety
men shoo’i lik ya habiby bad’i tkoon fi yoom men esmeti
ya ahla donia eshtaha fel kon behaloo
fi inik layali ashe’taha awal ma malo
kelmet ya omri oltaha lahzet lo’ana
marafshi albi lama shafak eh garaloo
tol omri khayef aheb washak zay kol ennas
li ani mamlokshe fi hayati habet el ehsas
shoftak malakte kole shee fiya be sawany
almet albi ezzay yeheb w yaraf el ekhlas
ehtart ashki wala ahky wala abky men farhety

i’m perplexed should i complain or speak or cry of my happiness
because of my passion for you ,my baby, i want you to be mine
i’m perplexed should i complain or speak or cry of my happiness
because of my passion for you ,my baby, i want you to be mine
you’re the sweetest life i’ve ever lived in this universe
there are nights in your eyes that i loved from the moment they melted
i said «my life» when we first met
i don’t know what happened to my heart when he saw you
all my life i’ve been scared of loving like everybody else
cause i only have one piece of feelings in my life
i saw you and you owned every thing in me in seconds
i taught my heart how to love and to know the loyalty
i’m perplexed should i complain or speak or cry of my happiness
Arab_W  حميد الشاعري ــ مهما كبرت  
•→Hamid El Shari: «Mahma Kibirt»
  دحمان الحراشى  Dahmane el Harrachi
            [1925-1980]     ⇓  ‘Ya Rayah’
Ya rayah win msafar trouh taaya wa twali – Chhal nadmou laabad el ghaflin qablak ou qabli… 
Chhal cheft al bouldan laamrine wa lber al khali  –  Chhal dhiyaat wqat chhal tzid mazal ou t’khali
Ya lghayeb fi bled ennas chhal taaya ma tadjri  –  Tzid waad el qoudra wala zmane wenta ma tedri
Ya rayah win msafar trouh taaya wa twali – Chhal nadmou laabad el ghaflin qablak ou qabli…
Ya msafer naatik oussaayti addiha el bakri  –  Chouf ma yeslah bik qbal ma tbia ou ma techri
Ya nnayem djani khabrek ma sralek ma srali  –  Hakdha rad el qalb bel djbine sabhane el aali
Ya rayah win msafar trouh taaya wa twali – Chhal nadmou laabad el ghaflin qablak ou qabli…

  –  The passenger

 Oh Emigrant

Oh where are you going? Eventually you must come back
How many ignorant people have regretted this – Before you and me

How many overpopulated countries and empty lands have you seen?
How much time have you wasted? How much have you yet to lose?
Oh emigrant in the country of others  –  Do you even know what’s going on?
Destiny and time follow their course but you ignore it

Why is your heart so sad?  And why are you staying there miserable?
Hardship will end and you no longer learn or build anything
The days don’t last, just as your youth and mine didn’t
Oh poor fellow who missed his chance just as I missed mine

Oh traveler, I give you a piece of advice to follow right away
See what is in your interest before you sell or buy
Oh sleeper, your news reached me  and what happened to you happened to me
Thus, the heart returns to its creator, the Highest (God)

عبدالمجيد عبدالله  Abdul Majeed Abdullah ↓ Raheeb

الله ما أكبر غلاك
Oh God, how precious you are!
ينبض بحبك فؤادي
Your love beats through my heart
من يشبهك يا ملاك
Who else is like you oh angel?!
من يشبهك يا ودادي
Who else is like you oh my love?!
إنت بشر غير عادي
You are not a normal human being
فيك الجمال العجيب
You have spectacular beauty

رهيب والله رهيب
Amazing, I swear, amazing

جمعت حلو المحاسن
You have gathered all the beautiful characteristics
وش هو القمر والغزال؟
Whats a moon? Whats a dear?
حبك في هالقلب ساكن
Your love is living in this heart
وصفه تعدى الخيال
Its description has exceeded imagination
القمر عندك رمادي
The moon is grey compared to you
وانت البعيد القريب
And you are the far away – but close – one

تشتاق لي في غيابي
You miss me in my absence
شوق الندى للزهور
Like how the dew misses the flowers
واشتاق لك يا عذابي
And I miss you oh my torture (you)
في غيبتك والحضور
In your absence and presence
انت مناي ومرادي
You are my dream and my desire
فيك الرجا والنصيب
In you is the hope and fate

تامر على ما تريده
Just ask for what you want
أمرك وأنا له مطيع
Your wish is my command
انت الحياة السعيدة
You are the happy life
يا ورد فصل الربيع
Oh you are the flowers of spring
جوري ونرجس وكادي
**names of flowers…
جرحي بقربك يطيب
My wound heals with your close presence

 شاب ياسين العبّاسي  cheb yassin el abbassi: ‘ana zahou dani’ الشاب ياسين العباسي
   الشاب حسني   Hasni   [1968-1994]   ⇓   ‘Galo hasni mat’

Like many other Raï artists based in Algeria, Cheb Hasni spent more time performing abroad than at home, due to curfews and musical restrictions in Algeria at the time. Hasni’s last concert in his native country was on 5 July 1993, when he performed to an audience of over 150,000 fans in Algiers at an event organised to celebrate Algerian independence.

Hasni’s fame and controversial songs led to his receiving death threats from Islamic fundamentalist extremists. His primary residence remained in Oran, even though his family lived in the then safer environment of France. On September 29, 1994, he was the first raï musician to be murdered, outside his parents’ home in the Gambetta district of Oran. His death came amid other violent actions against notable North African performers.

•→ Orchestra Fayssal (feyçal)_ amrek baki m’hayerni  أوركيسترا فيصل
•  Idir  ⇒   ‘A Vava Inouva’  ⇐
أسماء المنور‎    Asmae LAMNAWAR  ↓  J’en ai marre

  أسماء المنور‎  Asma Lmnawar  ↓  «Men Hna Lbkra»

Oran  ↑  (Wahran)

عبادي الجوهر يبان الشوق جلسات قطر  ↓

◊  Cheikha Rimitti  [1923-2006]  ⇒  ‘NOUAR’
ana w ghzaili ya lala ana w ghzayli fi jbèle nlaguète f Nouar
aaaaaaaaaaaaay wila salem 3lya w hak chwarbeh hey mamma wa daw dnoubi yhalfouni nhar ljam3a
ana wa ghzali fi jbal nlagat Nouar . . .
◊  Saleh Khairy ↓ ‘Agulak’ (Sif Safaa)

◊  Dunya Yunis  ↓  ‘Abu Zeluf’  [1976]

♦ Amal Murkus  ↓  لا أحد يعلم    (‘La Ahada Yalam’ / ‘No One Knows’)

لا أحد يعلم         غناء : أمل مرقس         كلمات والحان : نزار زريق
ليس غريبا أن يختارها التلفزيون النمساوي ذات مساء بارد من عام 2001 لتتوج كأجمل أصوات القرن العشرين، أمل مرقس تلك التي أفرغت حقائب سفرها من كل شئ لتضع فيها فقط صوتها الجميل ومعه كل الإحساس بلواعج الذات الإنسانية وهموم الوطن، فامتطت بإبداعاتها كل الخطوط الجوية الممكنة عبر العالم من أجل ملاقاة جمهور لشدة تماهيه مع أغانيها بات يميز صوتها بين ألف صوت       . سناء ثاب

 La Ahada Yalam:

No-one knows whose turn it will be tomorrow.
The skies above the refugee camp are grey. Dreams hastily scrawled on the walls.
Beneath the slogans  the children from the city play their game.  Death.  No-one knows . . .

The heroes of today are announced – dead – on the evening news.
Ordinary people make the headlines for a few seconds, only to vanish without a trace in the current of another day’s events.
No-one knows . . . But I know that tomorrow’s victims will bring a new dawn closer. No-one knows.

Θ   CLOTAIRE  K   ⇔ «Maqam» ⇐[Lubnani]→»YA SARIAN»⇐
¤ → FawzY Al-Aiedi  ↓   Nissa    [2011]

The ancient music of the Middle East has been given a modern twist by Iraq-born and Paris-based oud (lute) and oboe player and vocalist Fawzy Al-Aiedy. Affectionately known as the «Sultan of swing», Al-Aiedy continues to bridge the traditional music of the East and the improvised sensibility of the West. Hailing from the Iraqi harbor city of Bassorah, Al-Aiedy studied violin and singing at the age of 14. His dreams of studying music abroad seemed to dissolve after the Ba’ath took control of Iraq and issued an edict prohibiting Iraqi citizens from leaving the country. Pleading to Saddam Hussein for permission to leave, he instead found himself drafted into the Iraqi army. After three months of basic training, he was transferred to the military’s music division. Allowed to travel to Europe in 1971, Al-Aiedy settled in Paris and began to study the oboe. He released his debut album, Silence, five years later.

♦  Titi Robin & Mehdi Nassouli   ⇓  ‘La Femme Idéale’

♦  Hamid El Kasri  ↓  [Gnawa 2012]

♥  Cheba Nassira  ↓  [Moroccan chaabi]

♦  Najat Tazi  ↓  ‘Hay Delali’

•→ Musicians of Morocco  ⇐ [a film by Robert Peak] 

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