octubre 2024

Semele [GF Händel]

Semele (HWV 58) is a 1743 opera (initially presented as an oratorio) in three acts by George Frideric Handel. It is based on the classical myth of Semele, mother of Dionysus.


Traditional Setting: Roman Mythic Times

The marriage of Semele to Athamas is being celebrated in Thebes. Semele seeks to postpone the ceremony, for she is in love with Jupiter. It is interrupted and Semele is carried off to Cithaeron. In her palace there, Semele revels in the love of Jupiter, who brings her as companion her sister Ino. Juno, enraged by her husband’s infidelity, calls on the god of sleep to arouse Jupiter with a dream so erotic that he can refuse no request that Semele might make; then, in Ino’s guise, she counsels Semele to demand that Jupiter come to her not in mortal form by as the Mighty Thunderer – only thus, she says, can Semele secure immortality. This Semele duly does when Jupiter, eager for her embrace, approaches her. Bound by his oath to comply with her request, he has to obey; inevitably, she is consumed by his fire. The people of Thebes mourn her but celebrate the birth from her ashes of a new deity, Bacchus.


Near the altar is a golden image of the Goddess. Priests are in their solemnities, as after a sacrifice newly offer’d; flames arise from the altar, and the statue of Juno is seen to bow. Cadmus, King of Thebes, his daughters Semele and Ino, and Prince Athamas of Boeotia have assembled with priests: the marriage of Semele and Athamas is to be solemnized and the approbation of Juno, goddess of marriage, is noted and celebrated (Lucky omens). But all is not well. Cadmus and Athamas are both constrained to plead with Semele, whose unwillingness to proceed with the ceremony is plain. Semele begs help from Jupiter (Oh Jove! in pity), either, she says, ‘to incline me to comply, or help me to refuse’. Athamas construes her behaviour as actuated by her love for him and calls on Hymen to assist his pleas (Hymen, haste). It is now Semele’s sister Ino who delays the ceremony by expressing her sorrow: she herself is in love with Athamas and loath to lose him to Semele. None of the others comprehends, however, and they express only puzzlement and sympathy at her distress (Why dost thou thus untimely grieve).

Thunder is heard in the distance and the fire on the altar wanes. The priests note the bad omens (Avert these omens, all ye pow’rs! ) and the fire rekindles. But again it fades. Athamas pleads to Juno, and Semele to Jupiter. A loud clap of thunder is heard and the altar sinks. Fearing Jupiter’s wrath, all except Ino and Athamas flee (Cease your vows). Athamas mistakes Ino’s emotion for mere sympathy and upbraiding (You’ve undone me – With my life I would atone).

Cadmus, in mournful mood, returns with his attendants. He tells of the astonishing events that have just taken place: how Semele, surrounded by flames, was seized by a mighty eagle and snatched heavenward, leaving a diffusion of ‘Celestial odour and ambrosial dew’. Priests and Augurs enter, but the doom Cadmus expects is not forthcoming; rather, they sing of mirth and triumph and tell him to cease his mourning (Hail, Cadmus, hail!). From a distance Semele’s voice is heard (Endless pleasure, endless love); her song is taken up by the priests and the people.


Juno, queen of the gods as well as goddess of marriage, and her attendant messenger, Iris, enter. Iris tells Juno about the ‘new-erected palace’ that Jupiter has provided for Semele on Mount Cithaeron (There, from mortal cares retiring). Juno is incensed at her husband’s new love and swears an oath of vengeance, not only on Semele but on all ‘Agenor’s curst race’ (Jupiter’s previous love had been Europa, daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor and aunt to Semele). Iris warns Juno of the dragons that protect Semele’s palace; Juno determines to call on Somnus, god of sleep, who can seal the ‘wakeful dragons’ eyes’ (Hence, Iris, hence away).

An apartment in the palace of Semele; she is sleeping, Loves and Zephyrs waiting.

Semele, waking, calls on sleep to return and restore her erotic ‘visionary joys’ (Oh sleep, why dost thou leave me?). Jupiter, in human form, enters and reassures her (Lay your doubts and fears aside); she responds amorously (With fond desiring). All sing of the pains and joys of love (How engaging, how endearing).

But Jupiter detects a certain discontent in Semele, which she explains as the consequence of her mortal state in a world of deities. He is disturbed at her dangerous aspirations to immortality (I must with speed amuse her). All sing in praise of Cupid (Now Love, that everlasting boy). As a distraction for Semele, Jupiter dispatches his winged Zephyrs to fetch Ino, her sister, from Thebes and bring her as a companion. He then turns the scene into Arcadia and celebrates rural delights (Where’er you walk).

Ino arrives and describes to Semele her unusual journey and the sweet music she heard (But hark! the heav’nly sphere turns round); the sisters, then everyone, praise the joys of music (Bless the glad earth with heav’nly lays!).


The cave of Sleep; the God of Sleep lying on his bed. A soft Symphony is heard afterwards. Juno calls Somnus to wakefulness. He is reluctant to stir (Leave me, loathsome light!). She renews her call, mentioning the name of Somnus’s favourite nymph, Pasithea, to arouse him; he wakes and sings of his delight in the nymph (More sweet is that name). Juno commands him to instruct his attendant Morpheus to provide Jupiter with a dream ‘in shape of Semele, But far more beautiful, And more alluring’, to arouse his desire to such a pitch that he can refuse no favour she might ask as a condition for her love; further, Juno demands that Somnus hand over his leaden rod of sleep so that she can subdue the dragon sentinels and Ino, whom she intends to impersonate. Somnus duly complies (Obey my will – All I must grant).

Semele, alone, remains discontent (My racking thoughts by no kind slumbers freed). Juno enters, in the guise of Ino, holding a magic mirror; she lavishly praises what she calls Semele’s ‘divine perfection’ and wonders whether Jupiter has consented to her becoming immortal. She shows Semele her image in the mirror, deceiving her into thinking herself far more beautiful than she is; Semele revels in it (Myself I shall adore). Juno advises her to take full advantage of her situation and to demand that Jupiter come to her bed not as a mortal but ‘like himself, the Mighty Thunderer, In pomp of majesty and heav’nly attire’: only thus, she says, could Semele become immortal. Semele thanks her; as Jupiter approaches, Juno retires, elated at having duped the ‘vain wretched fool’ into destruction.

Jupiter enters and makes to embrace Semele; she looks kindly on him but retires a little. He pleads for her love (Come to my arms, My lovely fair); she keeps him at a distance (I ever am granting). He presses her to ask anything she requires; before she responds, she demands that he swear an irrevocable oath, by the River Styx, that he will not refuse her. He does so, calling on Olympus to shake in witness; its distant rumblings are heard. She tells him that he is to come to her not in human shape but as Jupiter himself. ‘Ah, take heed what you press’, he exclaims; but Semele, imagining that he is merely reluctant to accord her immortality, will not give way (No, no, I’ll take no less).


She goes to prepare herself. Jupiter, left alone, pensive and dejected, bitterly regrets his impetuous oath; for if he appears as the Mighty Thunderer ‘she must a victim fall’, for all that he may apply his ‘softest lightning’ and ‘mildest melting bolt’. Juno delights in her triumph (Above measure, Is the pleasure).

The scene discovers Semele while a mournful Symphony is playing. She looks up and sees Jupiter descending in a cloud; flashes of lightning issue from either side and thunder is heard grumbling in the air. Semele realizes the consequences of her vanity and ambition (Ah me! too late I now repent). Consumed by Jupiter’s fire, she dies.

In Thebes, Ino – now returned – is with Cadmus, Athamas and priests; they have witnessed the demise of Semele as some kind of fiery storm (Oh terror and astonishment!). Ino relates that Hermes, messenger of the gods, has told her of Semele’s fate, and also that Jupiter commands her and Athamas to wed; Athamas contentedly accepts the situation. A bright cloud descends and rests upon Mount Cithaeron, which opening, discovers Apollo seated in it as the God of Prophecy. Apollo predicts that a phoenix shall rise from Semele’s ashes, a god more mighty even than Love – it will be Bacchus, god of wine. Everyone celebrates this fortunate outcome (Happy shall we be).

◊  Act 1

Scene 1

The Scene is the Temple of Juno, near the Altar is a Golden Image of the Goddess. Priests are in their Solemnities, as after a Sacrifice newly offer’d: Flames arise from the Altar, and the Statue of Juno is seen to bow.
Cadmus, Athamas, Semele, and Ino.
1st PriestBehold! auspicious Flashes rise;Juno accepts our Sacrifice;The grateful Odour swift ascends,And see, the Golden Image bends.1st and 2d Priest

Lucky Omens bless our Rites,

And sure success shall crown your Loves;

Peaceful Days and fruitfull Nights

Attend the Pair that she approves.

Daughter, obey,
Hear, and obey.
With kind Consenting
Ease a Parent’s Care;
Invent no new Delay.

O hear a faithful Lover’s pray’r;
On this auspicious Day
Invent no new Delay.

Cadmus and Athamas
Hear, and obey;
Invent no new Delay
On this auspicious Day.

Semele apart
Ah me!
What Refuge now is left me?
How various, how tormenting,
Are my Miseries!
O Jove assist me,
Can Semele forgo thy Love,
And to a Mortal’s Passion yield?
Thy Vengeance will o’ertake
Such Perfidy.
If I deny, my Father’s Wrath I fear.
O Jove, in Pity teach me which to chuse,
Incline me to comply, or help me to refuse.

See, she blushing turns her Eyes:
See, with Sighs her Bosom panting:
If from Love those Sighs arise,
Nothing to my Bliss is wanting.
Hymen haste, thy Torch prepare,
Love already his has lighted,
One soft Sigh has cur’d Despair,
And more than my past Pains requited.

Alas! she yields,
And has undone me:
I can no longer hide my Passion;
It must have Vent—
Or inward burning
ill consume me.
O Athamas—
I cannot utter it—

On me fair Ino calls
With mournful Accent,
Her Colour fading,
And her Eyes o’erflowing!

O Semele!

On me she calls,
Yet seems to shun me!
What would my Sister?

Thou hast undone me.

Why dost thou thus untimely grieve,
And all our solemn Rites prophane?
Can he, or she, thy Woes relieve?
Or I? Of whom dost thou complain?

Of all; but all, I fear, in vain.

Can I thy woes relieve?

Can I asswage thy Pain?

Cadmus, Athamas and Semele
Of whom dost thou complain?

Of all; but all, I fear, in vain.

It lightens, and Thunder is heard at a distance; then, a Noise of Rain; the Fire is suddenly extigush’d on the Altar: the Chief-Priest comes forward.
1st Priest
Avert these Omens, all ye pow’rs!
Some God averse our holy Rites controlls,
O’erwhelming with sudden Night, the Day expires!
Ill-boding Thunder on the Right Hand rolls,
And Jove himself descends in Show’rs,
To quench our late propitious Fires.

Chorus of Priests
Avert these omens, all ye pow’rs!

2d Priest
Again auspicious Flashes rise,
Juno accepts our Sacrifice.

Flames are again kindled on the Altar, and the Statue nods.
3d Priest
Again the sickly Flame decaying dies:
Juno assents, but angry Jove denies.

The Fire is again extinguish’d.

Athamas apart
Thy aid, Pronubial Juno, Athamas implores.

Semele apart
Thee Jove, and thee alone, Semele adores.

A loud Clap of Thunder; the Altar sinks.
1st Priest
Cease, cease your vows, ‘tis impious to proceed;
Be gone, and fly this holy Place with Speed:
This dreadful Conflict is of dire Presage;
Be gone, and fly from Jove’s impending Rage.

All but the Priests come forward. The Scene closes on the Priests, and shews to View the Front and Outside of the Temple. Cadmus leads off Semele, Attendants follow. Athamas and Ino remain.

Scene 2

O Athamas, what Torture hast thou born!
And O, what hast thou yet to bear!
From Love, from Hope, from near Possession torn,
And plung’d at once in deep Despair.Ino
Turn, hopeless Lover, turn thy eyes,
And see a Maid bemoan,
In flowing Tears and aking Sighs,
Thy Woes, too like her own.Athamas
She weeps!
The gentle Maid, in tender pity,
Weeps to behold my Misery!
So Semele wou’d melt
To see another mourn.
Such unavailing Mercy is in Beauty found,
Each Nymph bemoans the Smart
Of every bleeding Heart,
But where she herself inflicts the Wound.

Ah me, too much afflicted!

Can pity for another’s Pain
Cause such Anxiety!

Cou’dst thou but guess
What I endure!
Or cou’d I tell thee—
Thou, Athamas,
Wou’dst for a while
Thy Sorrows cease, a little cease,
And listen for a while
To my Lamenting.

Of Grief too sensible
I know your tender Nature.
Well I remember,
When I oft haue su’d
To cold, disdainful Semele;
When I with Scorn have been rejected;
Your tuneful Voice my Tale would tell,
In Pity of my sad Despair;
And, with sweet Melody, compel
Attention from the flying Fair.

Too well I see
Thou wilt not understand me.
Whence cou’d proceed such Tenderness?
Whence such compassion?
Insensible! Ingrate!
Ah no, I cannot blame thee:
For by effects unknown before
Who cou’d the hidden cause explore?
Or think that Love cou’d act so strange a Part,
To plead for Pity in a Rival’s Heart.

Ah me, what have I heard!
She does her Passion own.

What, had I not despair’d,
You never shou’d have known.
You’ve undone me;
Look not on me;
Guilt upbraiding,
Shame invading;
Look not on me;
You’ve undone me.

With my Life I wou’d attone
Pains you’ve born, to me unknown.
Cease, cease to shun me.

Look not on me;
You’ve undone me.

Cease, cease to shun me:
Love, love alone
Has both undone.

Ino, Athamas
Love, love alone
Has both undone.

Scene 3

[To them] Enter Cadmus attended.
Ah, wretched Prince, doom’d to disastrous Love!
Ah me, of Parents most forlorn!
Prepare, O Athamas, to prove
The sharpest Pangs that e’er were born:
Prepare with me our common Loss to mourn.Athamas
Can fate, or Semele invent
Another, yet another Punishment?Cadmus
Wing’d with our Fears, and pious Haste,
From Juno’s fane we fled;
Scarce we the brazen Gates had pass’d,
When Semele around her Head
With azure Flames was grac’d,
Whose Lambent Glories in her Tresses play’d.
While this we saw with dread Surprize,
Swifter than Lightning downwards tending
An Eagle stoopt, of mighty Size,
On Purple Wings descending;
Like Gold his Beak, like Stars shone forth his Eyes,
His Silver plumy Breast with snow contending:
Sudden he snatch’d the trembling Maid,
And soaring from our Sight convey’d;
Diffusing ever as he lessening flew
Celestiall Odour, and Ambrosial Dew.

O Prodigy, to me of dire Portent!

To me, I hope, of fortunate Event.

Scene 4

Enter to them the Chief-Priest, with Augurs and other Priests.
See, see Jove’s Priests and holy Augurs come:
Speak, Speak, of Semele and me declare the Doom.1st Aug
Hail Cadmus, hail! Jove salutes the Theban King.
Cease your Mourning,
Joys returning,
Songs of Mirth and Triumph sing.2nd Aug
Endless Pleasure, endless Love
Semele enjoys above;
On her Bosom Jove reclining,
Useless now his Thunder lies,
To her Arms his Bolts resigning,
And his Lightning to her eyes.
Endless Pleasure, endless Love
Semele enjoys above.

1st Priest
Haste, haste, haste, to Sacrifice prepare,
Once to the Thunderer, once to the Fair:
Jove and Semele implore:
Jove and Semele like Honours share;
Whom Gods admire, let Men adore.
Haste, haste, haste, to Sacrifice prepare.

Chorus of Priests and Augurs
Hail, Cadmus, hail! Jove salutes the Theban King.
Cease your Mourning,
Joys returning,
Songs of Mirth and Triumph sing. Exeunt Omnes

◊  Act 2

Scene 1

The Scene is a pleasant Country, the Prospect is terminated by a Beautiful Mountain adorn’d with Woods and Water-falls. Juno and Iris descend in different Machines. Juno in a chariot drawn by Peacocks; Iris on a Rainbow; they alight and meet.
IRIS, impatient of thy Stay,
From Samos have I wing’d my Way,
To meet thy slow Return;
Thou know’st what Cares infest
My anxious Breast,
And how with Rage and Jealousie I burn:
Then why this long Delay?Iris
With all his Speed not yet the Sun
Thro’ half his Race has run,
Since I to execute thy dread Command
Have thrice encompass’d Seas and Land.Juno
Say, where is Semele’s Abode?
‘Till that I know,
Tho’ thou hadst on Lightning rode,
Still thou tedious art and slow.

Look where Citheron proudly stands,
Bœotia parting from Cecropian lands.
High on the Summit of that Hill,
Beyond the Reach of Mortal Eyes,
By Jove’s Command, and Vulcan’s Skill,
Behold a new-erected Palace rise.
There from mortal Cares retiring,
She resides in sweet Retreat;
On her Pleasure, Jove requiring,
All the Loves and Graces wait.
Thither Flora the Fair
With her Train must repair,
Her amorous Zephyr attending,
All her sweets she must bring
To continue the Spring,
Which never must there know and Ending.
Bright Aurora, ‘tis said,
From her old Lover’s bed
No more the grey Orient adorning,
For the future must rise
From the fair Semele’s eyes,
And wait ‘till she wakes for the Morning.

No more—I’ll hear no more.
How long must I endure?—
How long with Indignations burning,
From impious Mortals
Bear this insolence!
Awake Saturnia from thy Lethargy;
Seize, destroy the curst Adulteress.
Scale proud Citheron’s Top:
Snatch her, tear her in thy Fury,
And down, down to the Flood of Acheron
Let her fall, let her fall, fall, fall:
Rolling down to the Depths of Night,
Never more to behold the Light.
If I am own’d above,
Sister and Wife of Jove;
(Sister at least I sure may claim,
Tho’ Wife be a neglected name.)
If I th’Imperial Scepter sway—I sware
By Hell—
Tremble thou Universe this Oath to hear,
Not one of curst Agenor’s Race to spare.

Hear, mighty Queen, while I recount
What Obstacles you must surmount;
With Adamant the Gates are barr’d,
Whose Entrance tow fierce Dragons guard:
At each approach they lash their forky Stings,
And clap their brazen Wings:
And as their scaly Horrours rise,
They all at once disclose
A thousand fiery Eyes,
Which never know Repose.

Hence Iris, hence away,
Far from the realms of Day;
O’er Scythian Hills to the Meotian Lake
A speedy Flight we’ll take:
There Somnus I’ll compell
His downy bed to leave and silent Cell:
With Noise and Light I willhis Peace molest,
Nor shall he sink again to pleasing Rest,
‘Till to my vow’d Revenge he grants Supplies,
And seals with Sleep the wakeful Dragon’s Eyes.They ascend

Scene 2

The Scene chages to an Apartment in the Palace of Semele; she is sleeping; Loves and Zephyrs waiting.
See, after the Toils of an amorous fight
Where weary and pleas’d, still panting she lies;
While yet in her Mind she repeats the Delight,
How sweet is the Slumber that steals on her eyes!
Come Zephyrs, come, while Cupid sings,
Fan her with your silky wings;
New Desire
I’ll inspire
And revive the dying Flames;
Dance around her,
While I wound her,
And with Pleasure fill her Dreams.A  dance of Zephyrs, after which Semele awakes, and rises.Semele
O Sleep, why dost thou leave me?
Why they visionary Joys remove?
O Sleep again deceive me,
To my Arms restore my wand’ring Love.

Scene 3

Two Loves lead in Jupiter. While he meets and embraces Semele, Cupid sings.
Sleep forsaking,
Seize him waking;
Love has sought him,
Back has brought him;
Mighty Jove tho’ he be,
And tho’ Love cannot see,
Yet by feeling about
He has found him out, And has caught him.Semele
Let me not another Moment
Bear the Pangs of Absence.
Since you have form’d my Soul for Loving,
No more afflict me
With Doubts and Fears, and cruel Jealousie.Jupiter
Lay your Doubts and Fears aside,
And for Joys alone provide;
Tho’ this Human Form I wear,
Think not I Man’s falshood bear.
You are Mortal, and require
Time to rest and to respire.
Nor was I absent,
Tho’ a while withdrawn,
To take Petitions
From the needy World.
While Love was with thee I was present;
Love and I are one.

If chearful Hopes
And chilling Fears,
Alternate Smiles,
Alternate Tears,
Eager Panting,
Fond Desiring,
With Grief now fainting,
Now with Bliss expiring;
If this be Love, not you alone,
But Love and I are one.

Both. If this be Love, not you alone,
But Love and I are one.

Ah me!

Why Sighs my Semele?
What gentle Sorrow
Swells thy soft Bosom?
Why tremble those fair Eyes
With interrupted Light?
Where hov’ring for a Vent,
Amidst their humid Fires,
Some new-form’d Wish appears.
Speak, and obtain.

At my own Happiness
I sigh and tremble;
Mortals whom Gods affect
Have narrow Limits set to Life,
And cannot long be bless’d.
Or if they could—
A God may prove inconstant.

Beware of Jealousie:
Had Juno not been jealous,
I ne’er had left Olympus,
Nor wander’d in my Love.

With my Frailty don’t upbraid me,
I am Woman as you made me,
Causeless doubting or despairing,
Rashly trusting, idly fearing.
If obtaining
Still complaining;
If consenting
Still repenting;
Most complying
When denying.
And to be follow’d, only flying.
With my Frailty don’t upbraid me,
I am Woman as you made me.

Thy Sex of Jove’s the Master-piece,
Thou, of thy Sex, art most excelling.
Frailty in thee is ornament,
In thee Perfection.
Giv’n to agitate the Mind,
And keep awake Mens Passions;
To banish Indolence,
And dull Repose,
The Foes of Transport
And of Pleasure.

Still I am mortal,
Still a Woman;
And ever when you leave me,
Tho’ compass’d round with Deities
Of Loves and Graces,
A Fear invades me,
And conscious of a Nature
Far inferior,
I seek for Solitude,
And shun Society.

Jupiter  (apart)
Too well I read her Meaning,
But must not understand her.
Aiming at Immortality
With dangerous Ambition,
She wou’d dethrone Saturnia;
And reigning in my Heart
Would reign in Heav’n.
Lest she too much explain,
I must with Speed amuse her:
It gives the Lover double pain,
Who hears his Nymph complain,
And hearing must refuse her.

Why do you cease to gaze upon me?
Why musing turn away?
Some other Object
Seems more pleasing.

Thy needless Fears remove.
My fairest, latest, only Love.
By my command,
Now at this instant,
Two winged Zephyrs
From her downy Bed
Thy much-lov’d Ino bear;
And both together
Waft her hither
Thro’ the balmy Air.

Shall I my Sister see!
The dear Companion
Of my tender Years.

See, she appears,
But sees not me;
For I am visible
Alone to thee.
While I retire, rise and meet her,
And with Welcomes greet her.
Now all this Scene shall to Arcadia turn,
The Seat of happy Nymphs and Swains;
There without the Rage of Jealousie they burn,
And taste the Sweets of Love without its Pains.

Scene 4

Jupiter retires. Semele and Ino meet and embrace. The Scene is totally changed, and shews an open Country. Several Shepherds and Shepherdesses enter. Semele and Ino having entertain’d each other in dumb Shew, sit and observe the Rural Sports, which end the second Act.
Jupiter retires. Semele and Ino meet and embrace. The Scene is totally changed, and shews an open Country. Several Shepherds and Shepherdesses enter. Semele and Ino having entertain’d each other in dumb Shew, sit and observe the Rural Sports, which end the second Act.

◊  Act  3

Scene 1

The Scene is the Cave of Sleep. The God of Sleep lying on his Bed. A soft Symphony is heard. Then the Music changes to a different Movement.
SOMNUS, awake,
Raise thy reclining Head;Iris
Thyself forsake,
And lift up thy heavy Lids of Lead.Somnus  (waking)
Leave me, loathsome Light;
Receive me, silent Night.
Lethe, why does thy lingering Current cease?
O murmur, murmur me again to Peace.
sinks down again.Iris
Dull God, can’st thou attend the Waters fall,
And not hear Saturnia call!Juno
Peace, Iris, Peace, I know how to charm him:
Pasithea’s Name alone can warm him.

Juno, Iris
Only love on sleep has pow’r;
O’er gods and men
Tho’ Somnus reign,
Love alternate has his hour.

Somnus, arise,
Disclose thy tender eyes;
For Pasithea’s Sight
Endure the Light:
Somnus, arise.

Somnus  (rising)
More sweet is that Name
Than a soft purling Stream;
With Pleasure Repose I’ll forsake,
If you’ll grant me but her to sooth me awake.

My Will obey,
She shall be thine.
Thou with thy softer Pow’rs
First Jove shalt captivate,
To Morpheus then give Order,
Thy various Minister,
That with a Dream in Shape of Semele,
But far more beautiful,
And more alluring,
He may invade the sleeping Deity;
And more to agitate
His kindling Fire,
Still let the Phantom seem
To fly before him,
That he may wake impetuous,
Furious in Desire;
Unable to refuse whatever Boon
Her Coyness shall require.

I tremble to comply.

To me thy leaden Rod resign,
To charm the Centinels
On Mount Citheron;
Then cast a Sleep on mortal Ino,
That I may seem her Form to wear
When I to Semele appear.
Obey my Will, thy Rod resign,
And Pasithea shall be thine.

All I must grant, for all is due
To Pasithea, Love, and you.

Away let us haste,
Let neither have rest,
‘Till the sweetest of Pleasures we prove;
‘Till of Vengeance possess’d
I doubly am bless’d,
And thou art made happy in Love.
Exit Juno and Iris
Somnus retires within his Cave, the Scene changes to Semele’s Apartment.

Scene 2

Semele alone.
I love and am lov’d, yet more I desire;
Ah, how foolish a Thing is Fruition!
As one Passion cools. some other takes Fire,
And I’m still in a longing Condition.
Whate’er I possess
Soon seems an Excess.
For something untry’d I petition;
Tho’ daily I prove
The Pleasures of love,
I die for the Joys of Ambition.

Scene 3

Enter Juno as Ino, with a Mirrour in her hand.
Thus shaped like Ino.
With Ease I shall deceive her,
And in this Mirrour she shall see
Herself as much transform’d as me.
Do I some Goddess see!
Or is it Semele?Semele
Dear Sister, speak,
Whence this Astonishment?Juno
Your Charms improving
To Divine Perfection,
Shew you were late admitted
Amongst Celestial Beauties.
Has Jove consented?
And are you made Immortal?

Ah no, I still am Mortal;
Nor am I sensible
Of any Change or new Perfection.

giving her the Glass.
Behold in this Mirrour
Whence comes my Surprize;
Such Lustre and Terror
Unite in your Eyes,
That mine cannot fix on a Radiance so bright;
‘Tis unsafe for the Sense, and too slipp’ry for sight.

looking in the Glass.
O Ecstacy of Happiness!
Celestial Graces
I discover in each Feature!
Myself I shall adore,
If I persist in gazing;
No Object sure before
Was ever half so pleasing.
How did that Glance become me!
But take this flatt’ring Mirror from me.
Yet once again let me view me.
Ah charming all o’er!

Offering the Glass, withdraws her hand again.
Here—hold, I’ll have one Look more.
Tho’ that Look I were sure would undo me.

taking the Glass from her.
Be wise as you are beautiful,
Nor lose this Opportunity.
When Jove appears,
All ardent with desire,
Refuse his proffer’d Flame
‘ Till you obtain a Boon without a Name.

Can that avail me?

Unknowing your Intent,
And eager for possessing,
He unawares will grant
The nameless Blessing.
But bind him by the Stygian Lake,
Lest Lover-like his word he break.

But how shall I attain
To Immortality?

Conjure him by his Oath
Not to approach your Bed
In likeness of a Mortal,
But like himself, the mighty Thunderer
In Pomp of Majesty,
And heav’nly Attire;
As when he proud Saturnia charms,
And with ineffable Delights
Fills her encircling Arms,
And pays the Nuptial Rites.
By this Conjunction
With entire Divinity
You shall partake of heav’nly Essence,
And thenceforth leave this Mortal State
To reign above,
Ador’d by Jove,
In spite of jealous Juno’s Hate.

Thus let my Thanks be paid,
Thus let my Arms embrace thee;
And when I’m a Goddess made,
With Charms like mine I’ll grace thee.

Rich Odours fill the fragrant Air,
And Jove’s Approach declare.
I must retire—

Adieu—Your Counsel I’ll pursue.

And sure Destruction will ensue.
Vain wretched Fool—
To her.

Scene 4

Jupiter enters, offers to embrace Semele; she looks kindly on him, but retires a little from him.
Come to my Arms, my lovely fair,
Soothe my uneasie Care:
In my Dream late I woo’d thee,
And in vain I pursu’d thee,
For you fled from my Pray’r,
And bid me despair.
Come to my Arms, my lovely Fair.Semele
Tho’ ‘tis easie to please ye,
And hard to deny;
Tho’ Possessing’s a Blessing
For which I could die,
I dare not, I cannot comply.Jupiter
When I languish with Anguish,
And tenderly sigh,
Can you leave me, deceive me,
And scornfully fly?
Ah fear not, you must not deny.

Semele and Jupiter
I dare not, I must not comply.
Ah fear not; you must not deny.

O Semele,
Why art thou thus insensible?
Were I a Mortal,
Thy barbarous disdaining
Would surely end me,
And Death at my Complaining
In Pity would befriend me.

I ever am granting,
You always complain;
I always am wanting,
Yet never obtain.

Speak, speak, your Desire,
I’m all over Fire.
Say what you require,
I’ll grant it—now let us retire.

Swear by the Stygian Lake.

By that tremendous Flood I swear,
Ye Stygian waters hear,
And thou Olympus shake,
In witness to the oath I take.
Thunder at a distance, and underneath, 

You’ll grant what I require?

I’ll grant what you require.

Then cast off this human Shape which you wear,
And Jove since you are, like Jove too appear;
When next you desire I should charm ye.
As when Juno you bless,
So you me must caress,
And with all your Omnipotence arm ye.

Ah! take heed what you press,
For beyond all Redress,
Should I grant what you wish, I shall harm ye.

I’ll be pleas’d with no less,
Than my Wish in excess:
Let the Oath you have taken alarm ye:
Haste, haste, and prepare,
For I’ll know what you are;
So with all your Omnipotence arm ye.

Scene 5

She withdraws, Jupiter remains pensive and dejected.
Ah! whither is she gone! unhappy Fair!
Why did she wish?—Why did I rashly swear?
‘Tis past, ‘tis past Recall.
She must a Victim fall.
Anon, when I appear
The mighty Thunderer,
Arm’d with inevitable Fire,
She must needs instantly expire.
‘Tis past, ‘tis past Recall.
She must a Victim fall.
My softest Lightning yet I’ll try,
And mildest melting Bolt apply:
In vain—for she was fram’d to prove
None but the lambent Flames of Love.
‘Tis past, ‘tis past Recall.
She must a Victim fall.

Scene 6

Juno appears in her Chariot ascending.
Above measure
Is the Pleasure
Which my Revenge supplies.
Love’s a Bubble
Gain’d with Trouble:
And in possessing dies.
With what joy shall I mount to my Heav’n again,
At once from my Rival and Jealousie freed!
The Sweets of Revenge make it worth while to reign,
And Heav’n will hereafter be Heav’n indeed.
She ascends.

Scene 7

The Scene opening discovers Semele lying under a Canopy, leaning pensively. While a mournful Symphony is playing she looks up and sees Jupiter descending in a black Cloud; the motion of the Cloud is slow. Flashes of lightning issue from either side, and thunder is heard grumbling in the air.
Ah me! too late I now repent
My Pride and impious Vanity.
He comes! far off his Lightnings scorch me.
—I feel my Life consuming:
I burn, I burn—I faint—for Pity I implore—
O help, O help—I can no more.
As the Cloud which contains Jupiter is arrived just over the Canopy of Semele, a sudden and great Flash of Lightning breaks forth, and a Clap of loud Thunder is heard; when at one instant Semele with the Palace and the whole present Scene disappear, and Jupiter re-ascends swiftly. The Scene totally changed represents a pleasant Country, Mount Citheron closing the Prospect.

Scene 8

Enter Cadmus, Athamas and Ino.
Of my ill boding Dream
Behold the dire Event.Cadmus, Athamas
O Terror and Astonishment!Ino
How I was hence remov’d,
Or hither how return’d, I know not:
So long a Trance whith-held me.
But Hermes in a vision told me
(As I have now related)
The Fate of Semele;
And added, as from me he fled,
That Jove ordain’d I Athamas should wed.Cadmus
Be Jove in every thing obey’d.

Unworthy of your Charms, myself I yield;
Be Jove’s Commands and yours fulfill’d.

See from above the bellying Clouds descend,
And big with some new Wonder this way tend. Ah me! Too late I now repent
My Pride and impious Vanity.
He comes! Far off his Lightnings scorch me.
—I feel my Life consuming:
I burn, I burn—I faint—for Pity I implore—
O help, O help—I can no more.
As the Cloud which contains Jupiter is arrived just over the Canopy of Semele, a sudden and great Flash of Lightning breaks forth, and a Clap of loud Thunder is heard; when at one instant Semele with the Palace and the whole present Scene disappear, and Jupiter re-ascends swiftly. The Scene totally changed represents a pleasant Country, Mount Citheron closing the Prospect.

Scene 9

A bright Cloud descends and rests on Mount Citheron, which opening, discovers Apollo seated in it as the God of Prophecy.
Apollo comes to relieve your Care,
And future Happiness declare.
From Tyrannous Love all your Sorrows proceed,
From Tyrannous Love you shall quickly be freed.
From Semele’s Ashes a Phænix shall rise,
The Joy of this earth, and Delight of the skies:
A God he shall prove
More mighty than Love,
And a Sovereign Juice shall invent,
Which Antidote pure
The sick Lover shall cure,
And Sighing and Sorrow for ever prevent.
Then Mortals be merry, and scorn the Blind Boy;
Your Hearts from his Arrows strong Wine shall defend:
Each Day and each Night you shall revel in Joy,
For when Bacchus is born, Love’s Reign’s at an end.Chorus
Then Mortals be merry, etc. Dance of Satyrs exeunt omnes.

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